
If people started volume reporting cis straight dudes who wear sunglasses and shorts as an internet prank, Tinder would figure out something to do about it. They just aren’t putting in the effort here. I agree with you that there was probably no initial comprehensive policy to discriminate on Tinder’s part, it’s a

Unless they recognize that some subcategories get unfairly volume reported (trans people, political content in photo, whatever) and have a different, sped-up human review process for those subcategories that are easily identifiable. They can choose to be a lot more proactive about this than they are being. If one

I think her career’s fine, but I do wonder why she’s making such bad choices when she must have her pick of whatever she wants. mother! was not everyone’s cup of tea but I understand why you would do it - original, challenging, interesting work. Passengers, Joy, and Red Sparrow, though? None of those look interesting

I believe it is important to look at the whole human story of perpetrators in order to better understand and prevent their acts, and prevent the creation of new perpetrators. That’s not what this article does. Many, many people have controlling or critical or abusive parents and feel like failures - almost none of

I’m unconvinced of this, for reasons beyond “rumors aren’t evidence.” He seems to genuinely like her and make excuses for her and trust her with stuff he doesn’t trust other people with, and I think his demonstrated misogyny and reductive lust/hate for the people he sexualizes means that if he was having an affair

The fact that you can name women writers who exist and have had jobs is entirely irrelevant to the point that the overall numbers in the industry appear to be 10-20%. If the percentage of women is anything below standard statistical noise away from 50%, sexism is at work and needs to be addressed. We’re looking for

I’m sure they are already super mad about the gay sauna owner and women leads in the first one, so who cares?! I wonder if that’s one reason Disney might stretch a little further with Frozen than they might otherwise - it’s such an undeniable juggernaut, and they’ve already lost the bigot money.

OMG! In my house the parents are “lost at sea,” because while my toddler can handle the death of real life people she knows (we’re pretty open about grandparents, friends, etc.) the sudden death of parents as soon as they leave the house seemed a little too upsetting. Maybe I have been overestimating the potential

I think it depends on the grading scale - season 7 is objectively worse in overall quality, but season 6 is a much more painful and frustrating watching experience, precisely because just enough of the good elements are left over for the bad ones to grate especially hard. At least with season 7 people feel like, “ok I

Yeah, I think that has to be - almost all of Rory’s plotlines from the revivial make much more sense for a naive, just starting out 22-year-old than they do for a thirty-year-old working woman, so I assume many of them are the plans the Palladinos had been germinating on for a while as a part of the final seasons.

Yes, with extra penalty if you are somehow unclear about the actual number of daughters you have.

Here’s the difference - one blames a woman for harassment that is beyond her control and she has nothing to do with, just to blame a woman. You’re right that that has been happening a lot lately, and is gross and unuseful. But in this case, Steinem voluntarily and publicly took on the role of helping to fix Vice, and

Man just from that one trailer the young actress playing Roxanne is so expressive and compelling - movie already sounded good but now I’m particularly excited for her performance.

I know nothing about skin care or this guy, but if half of what’s been said in the comments is true how does this guy still have a job? Boards of companies are supposed to do things, mother companies like Estee Lauder are supposed to do things, if CEOs start wildly insulting customers, firing people without cause, and

I find it strange that anyone thinks there is such a thing as a “legitimate celebrity.” Nicole Kidman is very good at pretending to be other people on camera. LeBron James is very good at getting orange balls into tall hoops while other people are trying to stop him. The Kardashians are very good at getting people

There are a lot of people with great bodies and sex tapes - only these women managed to turn that into a billion dollar industry complete with multiple clothing lines and perfume, makeup, accessory lines as well as mobile games, books, and TV. People are free to dislike their vibe or avoid their content (especially

This - after watching the video I totally believe his explanation. But it’s just boneheaded it ended up in the video like that, purely for aesthetic/understandability reasons even if it didn’t sound like a possible slur. Makes you wonder how carefully and thoughtfully they are actually putting together Chinese content

It was a car accident, he didn’t go on a murderous rampage or something. Tragic and I’m sure he and their families live with it every day, but from what I remember there wasn’t any neglect or drinking it was just one of those awful things you can then never take back.

Yeah there’s a thousand basic things that are morally and otherwise wrong with this theology of abuse promotion, but it’s even more unjustifiable given the egalitarian nature of Jesus’ ministry, which is pretty evident and purposeful for the time even if you view him as just a dude walking around claiming bizarre

I have found “did you grow up around here?” to be foolproof in this way. Everyone knows you’re not making assumptions about them, and it leaves them room to answer any number of ways that let you know whatever things about them they decide are relevant. Also because I moved all the time as a kid my answer is always