
I think that Deciem was so radically industry-changing that he is being given more time to “figure himself out.”

Whoa holy shit

Drama aside, can we discuss how much bullshit is contained within that Instagram caption? The use of psuedo science in products for women is astonishing. It isn’t Jade vagina eggs level, but still..

This! Is he starting a cult, are the people he’s with safe? What is happening?!

“Availed” — I do not think that word means what you think it means. 

Maybe so, but as a pregnant person I would say “heavily pregnant” feels apt. With you 100% on that POST BABY BOD garbage, though.

It accurately describes how you feel, though. The days after giving birth is a haze, but the one thing I remember with clarity is how AWESOME it felt to be able to get out of bed like a normal person and not roll out bed like a whale carcass being pushed out to sea

The state of aftercare when it comes to mothers, particularly when it comes to women of color, can be abysmal. There was an article a couple of months ago about a woman an acquaintance of mine knew and it’s just so sad. I am so happy that Serena was able to advocate for herself and keep herself safe, because even

Family get together with our adult sons.

I’m impressed with her advocacy on this.

You miss “The Dinner Party,” which is too much to miss for what admittedly would be a pretty satisfying three-season series.

I don’t know shit about ice dancing but I would imagine it adds to challenge for the Shibutanis when they can’t rely on the tried and true “sexy” dancing / routines to “create characters” or “show connections”.

I have known many people for 18 years that I am not fucking.

I don’t care who you are, how morally bankrupt people may perceive you, or who you’ve pissed off by doing what: revenge porn is never ok. End of story. I’m glad she’s trying to take legal action.

Yeah, sometimes people do stumble on words, and his story sounds very plausible when looking at the video. It doesn’t seem he was trying to put a slur in there, but saying the first syllable of the word “Chinese” with a short “i” does sound bad on its own.

Wasn’t Ivanka’s plan already incredibly unambitious and geared at wealthy professionals?

Don’t play dumb. It’s not a good look.

So you go to hockey games and shout (even) more obviously racist shit? Cool, cool. You should be real proud of that.

Yes, when “basketball” is a stand-in for “you are black and therefore you should not be playing hockey.” It’s clearly intended to reference a racial stereotype, and deploying it to taunt and unsettle a black man makes it obviously racist as hell.

Did we learn nothing from BeardGawd ?