They skated like only Yuzuru Hanyu can, since he has three of those (216.07; 219.48; 223.20)
They skated like only Yuzuru Hanyu can, since he has three of those (216.07; 219.48; 223.20)
You can’t compare the old scores because they had a different scoring system. You got way less for some things (like quads). Sochi was the only other olympics using this scoring system.
Hell yea, good for him. Show everyone what you can do and kick ass in 4 years. I’m sure no one was more upset and disappointed than him, so great to see him bounce back and go scorched earth with the quads.
It surely has to be illegal to force someone to repay their health insurance. I mean, I know it’s the United States, a shithole country if ever there was one, but come on.
That is the look of a sleep deprived person dealing with a toddler. I know it well lol
Sadly, I think they already are commonplace in most schools.
I don’t have a problem images and video from social media feeds being used in news stories after a mass shooting, but it’s fucking ghoulish for journalists to mob a teenager online as he’s hiding on the floor of a classroom. We’ve gone through at least 10 years of shootings being documented on camera and the images…
Do not know if this is true, but I read yesterday, that kids from Marjory Stoneman High were tweeting as the shooting and lock down was going on. And kids from other high schools with past shootings were replying to them telling them what to do - telling them places they had hid to survive, how they got out of their…
I think it’s the opposite, they are fully aware of having a national audience but just don’t see anything creepy about sexualizing a 17 year old Olympic athlete on air.
What the fuck is wrong with those guys?
One time a guy just straight up asked me if I was “here legally”. But the messed up part was that he seemed like a decent guy. He was a friend of a friend and was just trying to make conversation. I believe I responded “Are you?”. He seemed embarrassed and changed the subject.
“I want ice cream.” = “Immigrants are rapists and murderers.”
The only benefit I can really think of is the taste, which might encourage people to drink more water, so they’re actually hydrated and magically feel better. Suddenly it’s a Goop-y miracle elixir.
Wait, doesn’t everyone go around the table at Thanksgiving and list who their sexual partners were (and were not) before the meal is served? No? Just the Brando and Pryor families then. OK.
Agreed. It has gone too far. Maybe limiting the number of quads and giving more weight to the artistic portion would help. But, this judge corruption bullshit is the ultimate issue. And I don’t know how to fix that.
Quads are overrated. At some point the men’s competition will just be dudes skating in circles attempting 8 quads per routine. Boring.
We are talking about a man who has been OPEN about being into underage girls since...well, since at least Manhattan. I don’t get the confusion?