
I would personally pay for a tailor to sew an “X” on there if he gets one from the school that just says “Malcolm”, but then nobody would learn their lesson. I hope they sue.

It’s his name. It’s his sweater. It’s not a free sweater.

“She told the Daily News that when she asked Michel and other white officials at her son’s high school “if they even knew who Malcolm X was or what he stood for,” they just stared at her and sat without saying anything.”

Why is he so familiar with what authentic strangulation looks like?

Personally, I feel like Lucas missed his calling as bow tie spokesbaby, but this works too. That’s a killer smile kid.

Respectfully, I wonder if you understate the importance of the original. My parents watched it and I do think it sort of eased my coming-out process— at a time where I felt uncertain about how, for example, my dad might feel about me, I knew he liked these five gay men on his TV once a week. They were like a gay

I’m hoping he either mispronounced or was misquoted and really meant he dated her mom, Ivana. That being said, if he did mean Ivanka, she’s 36 now, so she was 24 when he alleges they dated. So, gross, but legal.

The only thing that seems a little questionable is JFK. Everything else passes the smell test. I’m into it.

Well, some of those hot takes aren’t completely wrong. I mean, the Beatles really weren’t virtuoso musicians. They were good song writers and came around at exactly the right place and time to maximize their success.

“He takes a shit on The Beatles. (“...They were the worst musicians in the world.”) He takes an even bigger shit on U2:”

The funny thing about Drunk History (aside from it being funny) is that I actually learn from it. And retain that knowledge! I wish I had Drunk Earth Systems Science in college. I would have gotten a much better grade.

I don’t hate it, but I DO wish it were just Storm, w/ the “i” as the optional nickname, or “y” if they insisted on the adjective.

Yes. Because, let’s be honest. With all the crap going on in trump world, none of us will remember Stormy Daniels in six months. Let the young woman name her baby this cute, slightly hippy Cali name.

Except that they tell you that pasteurized cheese is fine, and indeed a good thing to eat for your calcium and protein intake. And then you get something like this (a listeriosis outbreak in purportedly pasteurized cheese) that shows you it isn’t. The point is, as a pregnant woman you can’t zero out risk. You just

That’s another vague poorly defined term, which essentially means you have a thin narrative framework and you’re constructing definitions to suit it. That’s not how good history is done.

I don’t believe in the concept of “Western civilization”. It always falls apart under scrutiny and can’t be defined in any meaningful sense beyond generalities and value judgements. Nor do I think it can be clearly stated that Hammurabi, a figure unknown in the “West” until fairly recently, can easily be laebled as

I find that way too many people joke about excessive drinking in general. Alcoholism isn’t cute or funny, guys.

According to Jia’s piece in The Newyorker Emma Sulkowicz identifies as non-binary and prefers the pronoun “they” ...

“Last time I looked, discomfort was not a major offense.”

I think that’s bc a soccer game is likely to have multiple troops affiliated with someone involved in the soccer stuff, and they want to avoid moms beating each other to a pulp over who gets the 7 am game vs the 1 pm (for example).