
Girl scouts park in front of all the local grocery stores around here. Usually without any girls in sight. Not to mention the cubicle sales without any girls present. Just give her her dues. She actually did something rather than the super moms that usually do it for the kid.

The more I think about it the more it kind of stings. My boyfriend and I really bonded over Tarantino movies when we first started talking. My favorite movie of all time is True Romance and my Insta handle is from Inglorious Basterds. I quote Pulp Fiction and stuff from the Kill Bills with my dad all the time. Like,

“Schaden-fuckhead” ?

Jesus Christ, when Howard Stern is the voice of reason in a conversation....

Look, what I did wasn’t murder-murder. That absolutely wasn’t murder, because when you use the word murder you mean I mashed his head into the shaggy carpet with the tire lever. Don’t just throw that word around. What I did was more like a gentle ushering of his consciousness through the tunnel that reaches into the

And, he entered a guilty plea. Now we can’t believe what people admit to either? Argh!

Not only did she explicitly say she didn’t want it in her deposition testimony, not only was she drugged, but having sex with a 13 year old is also a crime in France, where Polanski fled, and in Poland, where he was born, (and it was for both of them in the 70s too.)

He didn’t rape a 13-year-old. It was statutory rape...he had sex with a minor. That’s not rape. To me, when you use the word rape, you’re talking about violent, throwing them down—it’s like one of the most violent crimes in the world. You can’t throw the word rape around. It’s like throwing the word ‘racist’ around.

My greatest regret in life is that I can’t find a gif of Michael telling Chidi “This is why everyone hates ethics professors” to respond to this comment.

Childfree is the term most people use, but it’s still vaguely clunky and smacks of angsty rebellion a bit much for my taste.

Population growth slows down pretty rapidly when you give women control over their own reproduction, and when you empower them to control their own economic destinies. I’d rather folks focus their attention on that than on trying to get a relatively small number of relatively affluent women to refrain from bearing

They were also 17.

I mean, he’s known for only giving his approval and showing enthusiasm to the highest quality art and people.

What a spineless little suck-up to put Questlove on the spot like that and then take anything he says as validation. Of course Questlove isn’t going to argue with him on the air. He is at work and he happens to work for the least combative talk show host in the history of talk shows. It is his job to be agreeable and

I still think you can critique the structures and narratives of misogyny in another country (while remaining critical of your own). And, to be blunt, it’s pretty damn bad in France. It wasn’t “two old ladies,” it was 100+signatures, plus ‘LeMonde’, which gave a platform to the damn thing.

This is part of why it’s hard for me to even doubt he did it. Not only did he marry his own daughter, every single one of his films is about an old dude who is attracted to children. I couldn’t stand them before I knew about farrows accusations. Now I’m like, well, that makes sense.

That’s true. He’s a confirmed pedophile.

yeah i understand OP’s point

interesting that he asks her husband for forgiveness. Did he ask Thurman or maybe I missed that part?

oh sure, i see your point like why even say that to begin with. i feel the need to explain myself about my religious beliefs probably from growing up in white suburbia with many Christians constantly inviting me to church. but yes lets not get distracted with tidbits of the victim’s identity.