
awww I like Bruno

NFL Network showed a retrospective on that halftime show this week. When the production staff realized it was going to be raining during the halftime show, they broke the news to Prince, figuring he would be upset and want to postpone his performance. His response was, “Can you make it rain harder?”

I mean, Bruno Mars made “Finesse” with Cardi B,, I don’t think we can.

Whether or not the event was an accident or staged, his hand was the one that ripped away her clothing and exposed her. But then the knives came for her, he didn’t do much of anything to defend her, something he’s admitted. I like Timberlake fine, he’s made a nice handful of songs I like. But yes, he damn well bears

I’m a huge Stephen King fan, I’ve read him since I was a wee monkey and before Dead Zone came out, yet I simply cannot get interested in his Dark Tower series. Tried reading the first volume and I was out a third of the way through the book. I have no idea why. What am I missing?

It became slang, like, decades ago, dude.

I believe you are correct. It seems to me as likely that Gates wanted to get new representation and, once his new lawyer was in the bullpen, the other three filed to terminate their service.

Gates was originally defended by a public defender because he didn’t have the money to pay for expensive legal counsel. My thought is that these attorneys were being paid by someone else. When Gates’ actions conflicted with the interests of the people paying Gates’ legal fees (ie. Trump), the attorneys stopped working

I absolutely think that Mueller laid out a game plan in the event he is fired a long time ago. The problem is whether there will be enough people left to protect the investigation should Rosenstein be fired and replaced by a Trump loyalist who will limit or shut it down completely.

Add to this that there are practicing doctors who still believe that black people have a higher threshold for pain, thus not providing adequate pain management. I imagine that higher pain levels during delivery causes stress that further exacerbates existing issues.

Why can’t it be as simple as he has hired a different lawyer (which he has done)?

You can be rich, you can be educated, and doctors will still ignore your symptoms and under-treat your pain if you’re Black. So even if you’ve led a lower stress Black person’s life, there are plenty of ways to get screwed medically.

My understanding is that lawyers aren’t just allowed to drop clients willy nilly. There have to be valid reasons. Typically those reasons are

Lena Dunham suggested a rape victim was lying for money. The victim happened to have a wealthy, well-known father but even if she didn’t that is horrid. This is not remotely that.

I think it’s a lot more nuanced than that. I truly believe some people do not realise what they’re doing is considered sexual assault. It took my then-boyfriend a long chat for him to understand what he did to me was assault, that I wasn’t being coy or playing games and really didn’t want him to ejaculate on me. I’m

I don’t think this is really the same. Amy isn’t wrong- what Aziz did isn’t illegal. But, like Amy said, what he did still isn’t acceptable and can do a lot of damage to the woman on the receiving end.

She’s not excusing it because it’s not criminal. It sounds to me like she’s saying that there’s a lot of room for things to be wrong before they technically break a law.

Here’s a tip, fellas: If you are frustrated/scared/angry by what you perceive as a large “grey areas” between consensual sex and sexual assault, just err way on the side of consensual sex. When in doubt, step back or slow down. Wait until the morning. You can ask your partner. You can remove yourself from the

I don’t see why we would need such exorbitant malpractice insurance if there were single payer. Part of what makes malpractice settlements so big is that patients may need long-term, extremely expensive care. If that care were already covered, there would be no need to sue the doctor who caused the harm except for

Reading this, as a UK resident, I can only shake my head in disbelief. Since last year, I have had a number of health issues all no doubt due to hitting 40 and my body deciding that the previous 20 years of ill use were enough.
I’ve had cameras in three orifices, and due for two of those orifices to receive cameras