
JESUS. FUCKING. CHRIST. The incredibly amount of blind-eyeing, enabling, excuse-making that had to go on throughout his company, his circle, his home, is un-fucking-believable. There are soooo many other people responsible for this and they need to be held accountable. I’m looking at you Bob and Weinstein Co. Board...

Um hm. I don’t like to assume things so I will ask you again to please provide links. Also, while I appreciate your mentioning these “other sources,” it is actually more interesting to know how and what YOU yourself make of this. It’s pretty easy to hide behind “what others” are saying or writing, versus sharing your

Not being from San Fran, I did a little digging. So it sounds like basically that the two main issues that instigated the vote were 1) unfair election advantage and 2) conflict of interest. Both are sketchy reasons. I mean, the incumbent always has an election advantage. Do we have to oust the incumbent six months

Comes off as ramped up narcissism to me, but, it’s doubtful you’re wrong.

To presume this of Breed is a particular kind of leap.

Probably. That and just the LGBT+ variety of White people using Black culture all the way up to any of the downsides in society.

Does anyone else get the impression that “gay up until the point of intercourse” means, “I hate women, but goddamnit, I want to have sex with women”? 

Megan, you missed the best line in the interview, which is actually from the David Marchese, the interviewer: don’t want to be my horror buddy?

I never ever want to watch this but now I want to know every single thing that happens in it

We need a downvote button for stupid-ass comments like your’s. Noah was fucking excellent in S2, all the more surprising because he was barely present through the entirety of S1, so we had no idea if he had skills or not. And it turned out he did.

He was excellent in Season 2.

This is a bad take and I want you to know that.

Last I checked these men weren’t “heroes.” They were traitors. I mean for real this isn’t hard. For real white people need to look in the damn mirror.

It takes some truly stunning cognitive dissonance to praise a slaveholder while decrying “racism and bigotry”

I would guess, though (and feel free to correct me if I’m wrong), that if a person lacks the ability to understand nonverbal communication and body language, that they probably also don’t communicate as much nonverbally.

Most men are not autistic.

I think it’s still pretty simple, even if you can’t read body language or understand more subtle verbal communication, ask and wait for a “yes” rather than waiting for a “no.” The burden shouldn’t be on the other person to say no, that’s not real consent

Every time one of these fucknuts talks about how asking for consent is silly, I want to be like “So, when you want to go out for dinner with your girl, do you ask her first, or do you just shove her in the car, drive her to the restaurant, order for her, and start shoving the food down her throat?”