
I don’t know man, I feel there’s a least half a dozen skits at the top of my head that lived and died on the basis of Key and Peele’s performances, Jordan Peele included. Slap Ass? The Meegan sketches? Wendell? The freaking Goonies 2 thing? I could easily see a world in which those aired on SNL, and fell completely

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Here’s what we’ve lost with this decision:

Thank you! I’m the letter writer.

This deserves as many stars as possible. Came here to say the same, as a former domestic violence advocate. I wouldn’t call the police or seek a protective order without creating and implementing a comprehensive safety plan. Document everything extensively - keep a log with detailed information, screenshots, etc.

It says a lot about you when you write a manifesto about one throwaway line about Star Wars in an article that’s about what someone named their kid.

My dad is pretty much glued to CNN and cable news all day and when I talked to him about it yesterday (after reading about it mostly on DS) he only had a cursory knowledge of the situation. When I told him everything his response was, “how is this not on the top of every single news channel?” It’s shocking how little

Same here. ESPN talked about how Joel Embiid will NOT be pursuing Rihanna now that he’s an All-Star, but no mention of this. If you go look on their website now, it’s a full 4 stories ahead of this. Gotta get those clicks I guess...

Well Chicago truly is a glorious city. I moved here 5 months ago and I’m in love. The cold sucks though.

I’m pretty sure the judge is only empowered to (figuratively) tear Larry to pieces, but yeah. Hopefully his sentencing will be followed up with huge civil lawsuits -- and criminal charges, where appropriate -- against all of the enablers.

“I’m an adult, and I’m listening, and I’m sorry it took this long.”

I just want to thank Deadspin and Jezebel for giving this the frontline attention it needs and deserves. Other outlets are giving it so little attention relative to its importance it is very disheartening.  I listen to the radio in the morning on the way to work and you would have little idea this was happening if

They figure out more of what to do with her by the end of the season. I think they actually did a fairly good job conveying how lost she feels after being gone for 30 years.

I never was unhappy with Renner’s performance until just now realizing how much better it could have been with Ackles. What did you do to me?

Considering Supernatural bringing back Charlie would be super easy, but the way they killed her off was annoying. That was one of there best side characters, but apparently there wasn’t room for two redheads.

The one who was eliminated, the dude who was in punk rock bands, Tyler or Taylor I can never remember, is gay and he sort of originated the whole “bear” idea I believe

Ackles really should have been Hawkeye in The MCU. He’s much more Clinty than Renner

Total points, and the highest point total got the medal. Team with the most points won, etc.

...except, during the freestyle round, Tom had said something to the effect that Team Trainwreck could pull into second place if Chris took the Gold over Joestachio.

Total points, I believe, but the medals confused it all!

I think Tanya never stopped kicking herself over not fighting to do the speed round. (Or, if she did fight for it, we didn’t get that in the edit.) She brought that negativity into the competition, had it compounded by the temperature question - since she doesn’t cook to-temperature - and on top of that, Claudette