
The Duffers have said they wanted to experiment with a different kind of film/vibe, which I think is a huge part of it. But also, the core idea isn’t actually bad - Eleven’s life has been deeply traumatic in ways that are different from the other characters, and it makes sense that she would need to both investigate

Beyonce did a lot of really powerful Yoruba/Santeria imagery during her pregnancy - this would get really interesting if more attendees explore the syncretic Catholic-related religions as well as the more familiar to Americans forms of Catholicism.

When you want a reservation, do you grab a waiter’s dick? When you want a job, do you caress your prospective boss’s cheek? When you want a date, say to a woman, “Would you like to go out some time? I’d love to get to know you better.” and if she says no walk the fuck away and deal with your feelings yourself. DON’T

Are there any Method actors who *haven’t* consistently used Method as an excuse to cross boundaries and treat their co-workers terribly? Like, I’ve never heard a story of a Method actor playing a person of greater wisdom, capability, or compassion than themselves and then being amazing to everyone around them for the

Also how did Playboy, IN 2009, not publish this interview as “Dustin Hoffman describes raping woman” and act like this was a totally normal interview about sex? One of the most disturbing stories I’ve read. I read it expecting it to be messy or ‘mores of another time’ but it was nonconsensual by any era’s definition,

This is a really helpful point I think. Never have I read a sentence “man alleges that he is not a rapist,” which would definitely happen if the word “allege” was purely about making sure the reader knows the reporter can’t verify the statement in question.

She makes it pretty clear that what she’s arguing for is plain statements of attribution (“said” “stated”), not reporting of statements as facts without conviction or corroboration. I imagine she would want the headline to say “Jane Smith says Weinstein sexually assaulted her” or “11 women say Weinstein sexually

These teens are incredible, and I hope their schools have to pay or a settlement or implement and enforce a policy ensuring teachers respect their students constitutional rights to do whatever during the Pledge. I also wish, though, that there was a way to name and sue for the clear additional civil rights violation

It makes me batty that journalists don’t force this obvious follow up question. They’re all “Some are saying these comments don’t accurately reflect history...” with he said/she said and softening and vagueness, when the most obvious and reasonable question is “Can you please describe the compromise that would have

It is true that Tom Brady does all these things, and it is true that Tom Brady has a uniquely fit and able body. That doesn’t mean that the two things are related, or that “it works.” Tom Brady was uniquely fit and able prior to beginning these practices, AND spends all the hours between when he wakes up and goes to

These stories were harrowing, I have such admiration for these women for sharing them at great personal cost. I also am just amazed at how much Farrow has killed it in both these stories - the second one in particular I thought managed to answer the often asked question “Why don’t people come forward?” throughly and

Yeah I’m not a lawyer but all these generalized NDAs feel extremely sketchy to me and I’d love to know more about their limits. “You can’t tell anyone the secret formula for Pepsi” as an NDA I get - concrete, specific amount of information the employee couldn’t have gotten without their employer that would screw the

The Times story was printed first, but they started reporting the story after Farrow did he had been working on it for months - that’s why he had so many more in-depth accounts and accusations. Part of why Farrow’s story was delayed according to reports was that NBC his primary employer refused to air it, so he had to

That’s why the only solutions are regulatory though - everyday consumers do care about price over other things on average, but it’s also one of the very few traits (besides taste and look) we are capable of assessing and comparing on our own. Most consumers don’t have the access, information, or time to understand

Yes I definitely agree, although it still should have been very easy for him to say “Oo, sorry honey, I really appreciate this but weirdly I just had a case involving those shoes so this is kind of freaking me out. Sorry, can we do something else for a bit?” instead of being mean.

They’re simulating rape, not sex acts. The power and unwillingness are pretty clearly conscious parts of whatever scenario they are trying to get on tape.

I don’t know her and she seems healthy and happy lately, but it seems from history that a certain level of fame is just...traumatizingly bad for you. I think people like her, and Elvis, etc. are deeply affected by that extreme experience in ways that are sad and stick with them. People that get that mega-famous in

I was once catcalled while seven months pregnant and wearing my CLERGY COLLAR. What we are wearing has less than zero to do with whether harassing assholes choose to harass, and everyone needs to leave that nonsense behind.

Also the things he is accused of aren’t off color jokes. A man who is accused of repeatedly forcing people to watch him shower or undress or masturbate is a man who is clearly motivated and turned on by the fact that the people he’s doing those things in front of don’t want to see it. He knows exactly that people

Sure, but in some of these stories it feels like the parent also agrees there should have been removal. It’s the rest of it thats messed up. The father case today for instance, if Mom is offered inpatient treatment services why wouldn’t Dad be? Why weren’t visits facilitated with all adults who the children were