
Normally I assume people are reading way too much into stuff, but one of my younger brothers looks a lot like Prince Harry (has been told by strangers he should get a job impersonating him, etc.) and this is the EXACT facial expression he makes when he’s doing something secretly rascally and thinks he’s getting away

I think she phrased it in a purposefully unhelpful way, but I believe she wasn’t trying to say Kylie did anything wrong, she was trying to say, “I’m in my 30s and everyone I know is trying to get pregnant and can’t and blamed themselves when someone famous got pregnant real easy, but actually most of us could have

Please quote where I say it’s not abuse. Of course it is! The mom admits it, and if I heard this story I’d report it. But the original poster says that it is a level of abuse that justified her being “treated like a criminal” and permanent separation, which I’m simply not convinced is the healthiest thing for the kid

If we’re throwing all context out the window, well then removing a child from the only home and parents they’ve ever known is also a crime, called “kidnapping.” But how about we acknowledge the complexities of real life that the woman in fact acknowledges in her story, that all at the same time there exist some

I don’t know much about the case but I assumed that the argument wasn’t that they should have told *her,* it’s that they had a legal responsibility to tell *someone* as soon as they knew he might be harming minors. Felonies against children aren’t employee’s private lives, they are heinous crimes, and employers

It’s great. I don’t know exactly what you mean by “too nerdy,” but I read a ton of sci-fi and fantasy and I’d say this was among the most readable, least esoteric of the genre. Emotionally and character rooted. No outside maps needed or anything.

You’ve been foiled into commenting on the wrong article by Kinja - but I like to think you’re subtly indicating that Duhamel better not do anything stupid;).

I agree with many of your general points. In this case it seems like one complicating issue (from reports from the Austin film community) is that there are claims that the job he currently holds was given to him immediately after the one he lost possibly as some sort of replacement or compensation for that loss

I agree that this is a part of Pageant success, it’s not odd that she would answer clearly and well and succinctly- but she did seem to gleefully relish answering and be immediately ready with it in a way that made me wonder if she or all the contestants may have been warned beforehand that something having to do with

I think if you want something pretty straightforward like “strawberry” or “chocolate” Haagen-Dazs is amazing and I think worth the splurge for a treat - it’s just super rich and creamy, the flavors are fresh and not chemical-y, good ingredients. Ben & Jerrys recipe for whatever mysterious reason is a little less thick

The first three months with a baby are physically and emotionally one of the hardest times and you need a human body to bring you sandwiches and take the baby and put it in the crib when you fall asleep, buy toilet paper, figure out if you took your meds that day, etc. I didn’t read it as encouraging her to stay with

Pennsylvania has one of the highest rates of colleges and universities per capita, so odds of college -related crimes I also imagine would be higher, and then it also has arcane and complex alcohol laws, which tend to give frats more power because they have more monopolies over the ability to drink and party. That is

You can test just don’t count on the results until a few days after missed period. Even the “5 days before” etc brands give a lot of false negatives that early.

His appeal bears a stronger relationship to the appeal of The Secret than the appeal of Jesus - his teachings are really, really heavy on the positivism and positive thinking stuff that semi-empowers people and keeps them addicted because anything that goes wrong they blame it on their inability to be positive enough.

Plan tweak to a plan you hopefully never have to use: you can probably count on them taking you in, but you can’t count on them being open with humans inside who can let you into the basement. Churches are staffed at weird hours on weekdays usually.

I’m a Pastor and can easily believe that there are lots of logistical reasons Lakewood might have been unsafe or inappropriate as a shelter - but Osteen still handled this as badly as you possibly could. If a natural disaster happened in our church’s town I know we would be saying *something* immediately even if we

Celebrities tend to travel a huge amount for work, which must make it difficult to maintain relationships. If nude selfies are one way to re-connect with a partner from afar (not my jam, but clearly many’s), why take that one remaining kind of connection away from yourself? Plus, you know, this is on hackers who don’t

Ugh, gross. It is really impressive how she has managed to stick to her guns and create such undeniable space for sharing the church’s abuses, she has somehow broken through to public consciousness in a way I haven’t seen before. I wonder if increased public consciousness about other religious abuse scandals has

None of what is being alleged is covered under religious freedom. Kidnapping (including any physical detainment against someone’s will), child abuse, forced labor, etc. are all illegal no matter what and no matter what kind of organization is supporting them. Religious freedom already has a logical limit, which is one

I hear you on the “big consequence,” but I think in general financial penalties for crimes are unuseful - they mostly are too high for a person to pay and don’t get paid, or too low to make a difference in the person’s mind and allow them to excuse the initial crime as ‘paid for.’ I think this kid should have to wash