
I’m perfectly willing to believe that there are as many violent nutty anti-Republicans as violent nutty pro-Republicans, but it does not seem super credible for people supposedly mad about Nazism to draw a swastika. I don’t think it’s a high level conspiracy or anything but something odd may be afoot.

She is also Asian-American! Exciting times:)

I think there are some genuine logical and logistical issues with expanding our current regime of marriage to more than two partners - a lot of the rights involved basically have to do with acting for or as your partner, and that’s tricky to let three people do. Our entire family law system has to be re-written

Seriously?! That second one is a huge deal I was living in Japan when the first Hawaiian Sumo wrestler made it big, and while Japan has many cultural gifts an appreciation of ethnic diversity in national representation is not one of them. Progress!

Secularism as practiced in France is not noble. It is deeply restrictive, and most often used as an excuse to enforce a white, European, vaguely Catholic vision of what a ‘real French person’ is, rather than any freedom from religious pressure or coercion. You can’t ban people from being themselves in public, and call

go ahead and say that. but you don’t get to rip other people’s clothes off. this is not hard to understand.

Hi, you are racist and discriminating against people on the basis of religion. Even if all religion was frowned upon by the majority of French people (which it clearly isn’t as evidenced by the fact that Christmas is a day off, nuns walk unmolested in their own versions of modest outfits, and Catholic schools abound)

Every piece of clothing you wear or anyone wears is wrapped up in some moral or social idea of what it means to be a woman, because that’s how life and culture work. We don’t get to ban stuff for no better reason than that, particularly when said bans are by one racial/religious group towards another and clearly

That would make sense - if *any* of these movies involved the perspective of the rape survivor. What drives me nuts isn’t the presence of sexual assault. It’s that sexual assault in horror movies is always about the desires and creepiness of the rapist, or how the threat of sexual violence imperils the honor of the

Henpecking is not a good enough reason to have no relationship with your kids. Unless she is actually putting up legal or financial barriers to contact (it doesn’t appear so) he is a parent and it was his responsibility to maintain contact even if it was awkward or his kids acted mad at him. That’s what parents do.

Also I like values and all but what I need from my underwear is that it covers my butt and isn’t itchy and isn’t made by low wage slaves. No grand narrative or fundamental meaning of underwear life needed to convince me to buy it.

They let all that go for season 11 and it was consistently good again. It’s so strange to me how shows can do that, be great then bad then decent then good.

Almost no one objects to the fact of rape on GOT. They object to the handling of rape on GOT. Rape has been handled in a meaningful and narratively consistent way on TV- Veronica Mars, Outlander, Switched at Birth all had rape storylines that mostly worked and were interesting and even provocative and “not PC.” On GOT

Well yeah. What low/no taxes means inevitably is low/no public support or any kind for anything including education, medical care, national security, services for the poor, academic research, social security, and lots of other things I think aren’t done perfectly but must be done publicly for us to be the most

Agreed - I just value accuracy and pluralism, and the problem isn't that Pence highly values religious identity. The problem is that he legislates like a theocrat. The two don't always go hand in hand.

That would prohibit most humans in the world from running for office. I assume that most lawmakers have moral commitments they hold to be more important than their status as lawmakers, or civil disobedience on justice issues would never ever happen. They simply have to be committed to being a lawmaker for everyone,

He is definitely a doucheweasel and likely supports theocracy, but public announcement of his religious commitments is not the same as theocracy, or a problem. We want to live in a world where politicians can be open and thorough about their religious and philosophical commitments - we just want the ability to elect

If it is correlated with momness, then part of it might be that babies pull the crap out of your hair when they eat and put random stuff in it all the time. I’m still resisting, but who knows for how long.

I know people who got lactose intolerance and shellfish allergies late in life - would it be impossible to lose them in a medically understood way? Until he makes some claim that crystals did it I’m keeping my mind open and the hope alive.

Nah, man. That Scripture is a recipe for bread that the people were supposed to cook over human poop as atonement for their collective sin. Every time I see it in the grocery store I roll my eyes so hard they fall out. Bible-adjacent snake oil.