
Why do parents have to be secretly unhappy for you to know that you don’t want kids? This is what I find frustrating about all aspects of this conversation - “parenting good/parenting bad” is a singularly dumb and unhelpful way to frame a debate, because it’s exactly the kind of thing that will be different for each

I kept reading the middle quote as, “alienating their cow customers.”😂😂😂

She won the Oscar over three years ago and Eclipsed debuted last month. She could have filmed multiple additional films in that time (as other actors on stage and screen have) if she was getting offers that spoke to her caliber of talent.

The problem is not that Black people are cast in roles where their skin color is obscured. It is that they are cast predominantly or exclusively in roles where their skin color is obscured. Had Lupita Nyongo received the seven genre diverse movie offers using her real face she deserved after her Oscar (as JLaw or

I think it's clear that the writer was writing with effort to make it hilarious - I like that we can acknowledge that, and also that survivors are more than one thing. Mad and sad. Traumatized and excellent cooks. Assaulted and totally funny.

Fun fact: Michigan and Ohio once had a war over who would get Toledo.

You have got to be kidding me. Japan has many cultural gifts and every place on Earth has its strengths and weaknesses, but Japan is one of the most identity-conscious and ethnically closed societies there is. The nation currently would rather literally die than open its immigration policy so that non-Japanese can

I know, and those things I support. But coverage seems to hitting the registry real hard and I just can't figure out why.

Taking stalking seriously and addressing it better are critically important, but: 1) the sex offender registries this is based on have caused problems and it is totally unclear whether they actually prevent sexual abuse, 2) as the story in the article demonstrates, isn’t the issue that police don’t care much or know

That’s exactly the problem - I firmly believe religious organizations have a right to hire whoever they want, serve whoever they want, etc. (all of them, not just the Jesus ones). But in many states state reluctance to provide basic services with religious desire to do so has led to muddy waters of Catholic-owned and

I know nothing about this story but - would we rather people NEVER acknowledge problems if their partner made a sacrifice for them earlier? Like, a marriage can be healthy one year and broken a few years later. Should people not get divorced because at one point one gave the other a kidney/kids/moved for him/whatever?

“skin that will darken under the sun” is one of the more vomit-inducing ways of asking for a white lady I’ve heard...

This makes no sense. Unless the Canadian system operates in a profoundly different way than the American one, preparing witnesses is a part of the prosecutions job. It doesn’t mean not believing them or telling them what to say, it means letting them know just how thorough and difficult cross will be and giving them

For me at least it's less about the chef thing specifically and more about how Top Chef clearly is about excellence and rigor in a shared field and everyone really cares. Cooking happens to lend itself to that because you can see the whole process, and I don't mind I can't taste it because they have articulate,

I’m assuming it happens to him frequently - he has a body that is objectified a lot in his job, and presumably has had people brush him off when he objects, leading to this quote. I just see nothing bad in the quote - he even acknowledges the differences in safety concerns!

Yeah I’m really with the daughter on this - there is no information in the number itself, it communicates little and can’t be too high or too low. The information is all in the story - how did that come to be? How do you feel and think about it? What are your sexual values and baggage? That’s what matters.

I have found “where did you grow up?” to be a nice way to get to know people without potentially weirding out them or their friends:). Where are you “from” can just be so fraught or confusing, but “grow up”is concrete but still general enough to let them tell me as much as little as they like.

Yeah I’ve always wondered - if I started 3 Billion Intersectional Feminists and just started announcing my boycotts of stupid stuff, would it get this much coverage? A title does not a coherent organization make.

Unlawful termination has to be a thing for anyone who is pro-choice, because any termination not consented to should be unlawful. I get that people want to protect Roe rights but we’re getting off the rails here a bit. Forced abortions are a thing - in cases like this, often in incest and domestic violence, and in

No! You simply have the totally correct instinct that this is a horrific crime, just like forced abortion would be a horrific (and anti-choice) crime. I’m sure the legislature would be able to pass a law making forced or coerced termination of a pregnancy a crime if they weren’t so focused on making an unrelated point