
Some survivors strongly prefer that law enforcement not be involved - legal prosecution is basically a commitment of multiple years of your life, re-telling your story a half dozen times, and probably everything becoming public even if everything goes as it is supposed to. Some people just want to not have to see the

This is another reason why it’s important that they got more Black writers, as well as performers. If I had the sense that white writers were writing this stuff for her to do, icky and creepy. But it’s so clear that she’s writing it for herself because she thinks it’s funny, and that there are enough Black writers and

Minor thing that gives me joy: the Pastor did the right thing! It is exceedingly rare for me to read a news story where someone of my profession does exactly what I would do, instead of some profoundly dickish or abusive new low. Good job, Noela! Good job, pastor!

What gets me is all the inexplicable fat jokes about Jan. They are a holdover from the theatrical version and, putting aside their grossness, she is just super clearly skinny. Wearing a sweatshirt, but skinny. Even as a kid it baffled me.

I thought it was an ID of some kind, because that’s what I associated with wallets, but could never quite make it click plot wise. Like, did he show her the ID because they were getting closer, and he looked young and silly so it was embarrassing, and then it broke? Was it so she knew it was safe for him to drive? I

I think it’s not so much about ‘see’ specifically as ‘experience’ generally. It’s the songs, the paintings, the food, the everything that surrounds you that people wonder these kinds of things about. Tangentially, I think this is the source not only of endless Baby Einstein type stuff, but some of the taboo hurting

Well that’s good. But I no longer have any lower bound estimate of what people will say, you know? Glad at least this one wasn't real.

Except neither of them claimed to originate what they were discussing. They both were doing riffs on an urban legend sex act which predates either special. It’s like saying of two comedians who riff on George Bush, the later one must be a joke thief. Patrice never claimed to have made that sex act up himself.

So you believe everyone of every age who has ever committed any level of crime as defined by the state should drop dead? Only angels deserve to live? What kind of point exactly are you trying to make here?

I know you didn’t make the video, but man are these dumb. “Basic concept about gender or sex exists in world, two people execute differently constructed jokes about it” is not joke stealing. I’ve made jokes about the ridiculous sex positions middle schoolers claim exist and about wanting someone to exercise me while

Mmm I like where you’re going, but I’d say it’s probably the one that aired when they were 14. At least, it is for me;). Much more impressionable age.

The headline is misleading, I think - they are talked about as embryos not eggs, so they must be fertilized by his sperm. Unimplanted, but fertilized. If they truly were just frozen eggs simply removed during the marriage I would agree with your analysis.

It doesn’t matter - hypochondriacs, drug seekers, attention seekers, and difficult people all get sick, and have a human right to a respectful and thorough evaluation or referral each and every time they report symptoms to a medical provider. It might not be fun but that’s a part of the job. (On top of that, I also

Here is where I find compassion for Raven-Symone — a wide selection of her dumbest opinions (I don’t see color! Identity means labels means bad! Names I’m not familiar with mean bad!) could conceivably be Stockholm Syndrome statements gleaned from being a kid star in a sea of white kid stars and then a star of color

After you asked that question I clicked on the link because I’d never heard that story, and my new personal hero is the anonymous bystander who asked Khloe if she wanted them to call the police. They weren’t phased by paparazzi, cameras, famous people, whatever - they did what you do when you see someone getting

Sight unseen, would watch a spinoff starting a war veteran named Jubilee and a mathematician named Shushannah.

That’s is a lot less about her and more about the weird demographics and common spaces of improv I would guess...yet another reason it would be great to actively push for a little more diversity in that scene.

I agree that restorative justice is rare, but it seems like it actually could have worked really well in a case like this - he was willing to take some responsibility for bad actions in initial texts but then clammed up when criminal processes got involved, the women wanted to make sure he understood what he had done

Yes! I actually thought about including but didnt’t because it seemed like potential sidetrack - a big part of Jones initial appeal to followers in the Indiana and San Fran days (before sexual exploitation and shaming and abuse kept people in) was his incredibly strong vision of racial justice and a truly integrated

Two different things going on, which it would be helpful to know. 1) Kool-aid and other colorful fruity non-juice drinks (“purple drink,” “yellow drink”) are for some stereotypically associated with Black Americans, probably because they are cheap grocery store drinks you might drink more often when you are poor, and