
Because he is Bill Murray. His being white probably doesn’t hurt.

It’s sort of feminist mansplaining to demand footnotes about susan Anthony from a white feminist on every comment in an interview.

All I’m saying is regardless of the circumstances, people actually are giving Bill Murray the benefit of the doubt, but they don’t give other accused abusers the benefit of the doubt, and that’s an interesting disparity.

To each his or her own, I suppose! I am partial to full bodied cabs and merlots which do not strike me as sweet or even fruit forward. But many people do like a sweeter wine, and I respect that.

Eat all my slices!! But your cake sounds lovely, and I’d actually love the recipe because my boyfriend’s parents and sister are diabetic. They are big sugar nuts, but I want to make them things that are healthy.

A very important point, and I apologize for my ignorant statement.

I don’t, actually. In general, fruit is too sweet, and I can’t stand it. My favorite food is broccoli, then Brussels sprouts, then steak, then asparagus. But I eat steak in extreme moderation because it’s red meat. I live on chicken, fish, and vegetables, occasionally served with things like couscous or brown rice.

In this instance, people are not assuming Bill Murray’s guilty, they’re assuming his ex wife is lying.

“There are times when you need a slice of cake,”

What hapoened to her was hardly shitting on her, it was justified criticism and that’s necessary if you really want to be an ally and work for the advancement of ALL women. We dont have to take scrapes, we can teach people how to be better allies and make the community and feminism stronger.

people were pointing out where she was being short sighted. and it was effective in bringing more knowledge out into the world. why hate on that?

The interesting thing is there’s disparity in people’s emotional reactions between Murray and Brown.

Yep, just like Chris Brown.

I actually have never seen that entire quote, just the “he can’t kill you or set fire to you” part. I know Gwyneth Paltrow and Anjelica Huston were afraid of Hackman. Hackman also called Wes Anderson a c*nt and told him to pull up his pants and act like a man.

No she’s basically saying he’s a piece of trash who treats people like shit. I know all of my human being non deity friends DEF have punched their spouse in the face and threatened to kill them. Leaving scary, enraged, threatening messages on the machine for your wife and kids to hear? NBD. Just regular people probs.

he did a lot of porn, period. i’m not assuming all porn is bad. but between these allegations and the same ones i’ve heard vis a vis ron jeremy in the past, plus, and mainly, the stories that Deen did stuff on set and got away with it (with crew allegedly congratulating him,) makes the industry complicit in a way, to

It took a long time and a whole lot of abuse for it to stop being secret. And the only reason it isn’t still secret is that one incredibly brave woman came forward on Twitter, despite many of the assaults happening in front of staff.

i’m not sure what kind of “vanilla” stuff you’re talking about, because that doesn’t sound like any of my past relationships—and i’m not into BDSM or kink so i suppose you would call me “vanilla”. then again, i don’t put up with stupid bullshit and assholes who try to “train” me in any way, nor do i play games or

Yes! There is a line where sex-positive is no longer positive and it becomes pathology. If you are a woman who supports the rape porn industry you are supporting rapists plain and simple. Because this is what they use to normalize their behavior.

THIS! Go right ahead and be mad that I am “slut shaming” you. But let us get fucking real. The men producing, preforming, and watching rape porn aren’t your friends.They want to abuse women plain and simple.