
I have a particular loathing for liberal male politicians who think they can get away with mistreating women because of their feminist cred. Monica was willing, but she was also an intern, and the power differential there is really, really not okay. And there have been enough allegations of actual assault to make me

What is the norm? And in an industry that has a huge unregulated aspect, how would one even find out what the norm is?

An entirely fair, and necessary, question.

You CANNOT tell these women that we realised like 40 years ago that all porn is bad for all women.

My darling, I grew up watching Tarkovsky, Fellini, Truffaut, Bergman type of movies, which most people find hermetic. Trust me, it’s a piece of cake for me to read someone’s feelings in a porn movie. And it is for you as well unless you cover your eyes to avoid being shocked. You may also miss the facial expression if

Sex positive for women means having sex on their own terms , expressing their sexuality without fear or shame, owning their own body and having zero tolerance for anyone trying to claim it. All this has been denied to women for millennia, whereas porn and prostitution are nothing new, they have been a tool of

I agree with you that the movie had problematic, paternalistic overtones. Still, I don’t think women (or anyone for that matter) have to be weak to be exploited. I didn’t come away from watchings HOT GIRLS WANTED thinking the women in it were weak in any way. I did think they were often being exploited.

You know, if it helps you contextualize my point of view, you can label me anti-porn. That’s fine, it’s not really something that I’ll lose sleep over. But it seems like a meaningless label that’s more of a way to dismiss my albeit sometimes glib opinions, but I assure you they’re geninue thoughts and attempts to

I don’t see Owlrich “shaming porn actors”. She is just saying that “pornography relies on the degradation of women and normalizes painful and humiliating sexual acts.” which is absolutely true. It is not the female porn actor’s fault or shame. They must feed themselves. It is the porn industry in general, which hurts

“Maybe it does suck in general, but I wouldn’t have come to that conclusion based on these two stories.”

Because people don’t want to be confronted with the fact that most porn is unethical. There is a reason why most girls don’t last over a year. People don’t want to believe they might be getting off to someone being abused for real.

Yessss. Yes.

I’m not anti-porn per se, more like anti-people focusing on people in porn as some sort of vanguard of new feminism, when it would be much better if those same people got a university education for free and went on to do something productive.

Cuz no one has ever gone back to a career or stuck with a job longer than they have said they would.

It’s very strange to me. Feminists agree that patriarchy exist and that misogyny still shapes modern society. Third-wave feminists analyse (as they should) all aspects of society and the consequences that power imbalances between men and women have on our behavior, on the position of women in society, on relationships

Isn’t that what he was famous for? Feminist-endorsed porn? And of course I mean the kind of feminist who somehow thinks capitalism and feminism can co-exist in harmony, not the other kind. Please disregard the third sentence of this paragraph. I beg you, do not comment on it.

is this sort of degeneracy not the inevitable outcome of what third-wave feminism espouses? When will people realise that all this sex-positive porn stuff is just more lies for the masses and that ploughing a field is way better than plowing a butt?

Thanks for this. What’s more annoying than anything is people who post kitten gifs on stories dealing with police brutality in the black community. I’m sorry that you can’t deal with our truths, but we don’t have the luxury of inserting cat gifs into our daily life struggles.

white people are the devil

I loooooooove the fact so many people are shocked and outraged at things they’ve heard and largely ignored from black people sine reconstruction. I think Dave Chapelle had a stand up bit about this very thing when I was in like middle school