
Posting on forums is hardly obsession. I suppose this very website hasn’t had articles on the state of, for example, women’s rights in other parts of the world?

Prosecutors rely on police to give them evidence/testimony to secure convictions which is the only metric of value in most prosecutor’s eyes. They have an embedded conflict of interest with the cause of justice.

Seriously? Again with the “and I don’t feel bad about” having advantages that other people can only dream of? Jeez. No one ever said you should feel bad about it. No one went on the offensive against your grandmother. This article is not a personal attack on you and your family’s liquid assets. Did you really feel

I feel like we could all play that game. Life, in general, is relative. My life is way less kush but I could easily find someone worse off than me. So should I shut my mouth and not complain, ever?

I’m a bit skeptical that you actually lump “feminist” and “decent human being” together in every day usage. If a woman said she were a feminist, would you tell her that she’s really just saying she’s a decent human being and that no one talks about being one?

In before army of white feminists accuses you of kink-shaming and being sex-negative for even suggesting anything in his body of work appeared borderline. Don’t you know porn is all about fulfilling women’s fantasies and all the actresses involved consented to every single act in advance and abuses of the professional

Jezebel has propped up Terry Crews and Jesse Williams for their support of feminism in the past IIRC. But I agree with your general point that’s it’s always these pandering, vaguely skeezy white dudes like Schwyzer and James Deen who get all the uncritical adulation until they fuck it up too badly. I just remember

I don’t feel like I’m qualified to say whether it’s more common, especially since I haven’t dated outside the kink scene in about 10 years. But anecdotally, yeah, it seems a little more common to me. A lot of abusers using kink as a cover, and a lot of folks that ignore red flags until it’s too late.

Agreed. Don’t know why people give a shit about one stranger choosing to avoid members of their sex. Doesn’t affect them in the slightest.

I can’t tell if you’re being facetious or not, but I’ll take it as being serious. Male porn stars have *all* the power in the industry. Women are essentially props. I support sex work and porn both but after talking with someone who started and runs one of the largest Internet porncompanies out there I realized that

How the fuck are we supposed to feel safe in this world with men like you in it, especially since the VAST FUCKING MAJORITY OF YOU are unwilling to admit what you’ve done and continue to do so you can fucking change?

I’ve grown tired of being talked over, talked down to, and having my boundaries pushed constantly.

This person is a victim of abuse. She is not the right person to talk to about your previous rapey behavior, and having engaged with her, getting a (predictable and unsurprising) response like she gave isn't grounds to call her names and be a jerk. If you want to be an ally, you have some learning to do about how to

I said BYE! How many times do I need to say it?

This response indicates that you haven't changed one bit. BYE! 👋🏼

It really sucks she had to teach you how to treat her as a person.

I know you’re trying to be supportive, but I feel you’re dismissing my need to stay safe by avoiding intimacy with men. I’ve only started giving myself a chance to heal this past year. I’ve slowly but surely stopped going on dates and I finally shut down my OKC account a month ago.

The funny thing is that James Deen’s porn has been labeled in the past like “feminist porn for the thinking woman” lol. So I guess that’s how much weight those claims have. Obviously people don’t want their precious porn be tainted with ugly truths, and producers want you to think everything is awesome and you want to

Other guys, WTF? Not like you’re gonna meet this person on the street or anything, why does it get up your craw she doesn’t trust men in general? Lots of men are utter shit, some are not, but if she wants to stay away from men in general that’s her business.

My rapist waxed eloquent about consent, went to marches against violence against women, loudly declares himself a feminist.