I am.
I am.
She is unexceptional, but lots of unexceptional people work hard and get things, Emma Stone and Blake lively come to mind.
I would say the much higher likelihood is that by virtue of being a lawyer, she may think her and her husband should be able to do/have whatever the fuck they want. Full disclosure: I’m a lawyer, and most of them are A-type assholes who think at least to some degree that they should be able to whatever the fuck they…
It has nothing to do with this story, you’re right. But I was replying to someone who was asking if anyone else just doesn’t get her appeal. It happens pretty often in the comments here that people will go off on tangents that don’t necessarily have to do with the topic of the original post, most of the time people…
Nope. I think she’s entirely overrated and never got her appeal.
Maybe log off the internet and find a safe space if certain words are going to trigger you.
So, supporting a d-bag like Trump will get you in the proverbial doghouse permanently, but taking blood money from one of the worst dictators in Africa is merely a fuckup? I remember a time when artists were called out and hounded by liberal media, for performing in South Africa during the Apartheid years. In the age…
Exactly. There is a way to lampoon racism. What these people do aint it
No one is obligated to apologize. The Internet isn’t run on voodoo magic that forces people to tweet apologies when they don’t mean it. It is called publicity. If she doesn’t want to apologize for the Native American characters then she doesn’t have to. She doesn’t have to opt out of something that isn’t a thing.…
In the immortal words of Lindy West, hipster racism is still racism. Rationalize this all you want to with weak arguments about making fun of racists, but just know that that is not, in fact, what shit heads, like this, are doing.
If you don't say sorry online what do you do? Door to door? Take out an ad on tv? Do an interview with Barbara Walters ? What is her alternative ?
Not for nothing, but Chris can veer heavily into misogynistic themes and he probably doesn’t want to be called out for that either. There are plenty of comedians who have that same problem.
So is Donald trump
she cosigned some racist shit, pissed a couple folks off. The world works on the internet now. Hastag too bad.
And by “apology culture” she means minorities refusing to kept our mouths shut when white people want to have a good laugh at our expense. Fey and all these other comedians lamenting this nebulous “pc” culture can get fucked.
Egalitarianism. Liberty, and equality, except when we enjoy our casual.fascism like banning Burkas and arbitrarily deciding that people who may be naturally thin can be essentially removed from their choice of livelihood for no explanatory reason other than.that we’ve capitulated to hysterisism and bullshit.
Condescending and insulting all in one.
She’s a Black girl growing up in the USA. I don’t care how much $$$ you have or who your parents are—-you have stories to tell.
We’ve been shitting on that Abby chick all week for being a mediocre white girl, but now we insist a talented black girl couldn’t POSSIBLY write and compose her own album. A talented black girl couldn’t POSSIBLY be the creator of her own destiny or anything.
It was cool to bob our heads to “whip my head” and “21st…
Thank you ever so much. The fucking point is I’d rather suffer a SUPER EXTREME BEYOND BELIEF YOU SHOULD GOOGLE IT coffee burn than have that shitstain’s dick forced into my mouth. But I sincerely appreciate your effort to educate me. I shall do my best with this new information. *salutes*