
I don’t think it’s possible for this to be a “concidence,” and not just a plain old racist comment. It may have been a stupid, thoughtless racist comment, and one that he perhaps didn’t specifically intend as a racist comment, but that doesn’t change the fact that it’s still a racist comment. I also definitely

I obviously have a very different perspective where not just individual neighborhood but individual blocks (that’s how we identify where we’re from) have names and faces and stories. But sometimes, there is time for South Side solidarity and that time is now.

Fuck him. The apology the prosecutor going after the case. Literally everything is because of the court order to release the video. The puck would be a free man if not for the court order.

He can apologize until he’s blue in the face. He’s still garbage.

In a press conference accompanying the release of the video Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel said, “It is now the time to come together as one city, show respect for one another.”

This is what I found:

Really? best thing that ever happened to him? A kid being traumatized and hauled off to jail with no explanation then interrogated for hours is the best thing that could have happened to him?

Because he’s forcing his parents and siblings to leave the country?

You seriously don’t fucking understand the horror he faced in police custody?

I agree with you but for different reasons. New York is such a melting pot, you walk around and see so many different faces looking at you. And for me, as a New Yorker watching this show that so heavily fetishizes New York, I thought it was strange that all the prominent women were all white women. The lack of

You might be a realist but you’re obviously not an informed one. We actually don’t know how common it is to experience “negative” symptoms with menopause, especially early menopause. It might not be that common at all. NPR had a segment about this just the other week:…. As for the

Or else you believe women are naturally weak and sickly and must suffer every time our bodies go through a change. And I guess you can go on believing that if it makes you happy.

It’s not that they do a bad job of weeding them out; they don’t try at all. They harbor them. Ooops, priest raped a dozen kids? Move him to some other church, so he can be exposed to fresh blood! Rinse and repeat. Over and over and over again. And then the “cool” pope can come out and address the issue in a way that

Right, but many of these comments don’t read like that. They are meant to minimize the horror and save face for their institution.


Yeah, and I worked for an order of nuns for 30 years and so did my mother before me. Plus, they educated me and all the women in my family going back to the early 1900’s. You said you’re not Catholic, but are you young? You don’t seem to have a grasp on the full picture of the lives of Catholic religious women. Not

Wondering how many of the comments will be a version of yours: “your mother’s experience is likely unrepresentative. Instead of listening to her story, let me tell you about these other awesome nuns I know.”

HE WAS THE ONE WHO SAID THE WOMEN IN HIS LIFE WAS UNSAVORY!!!!! Are you seriously canonizing this guy because he has HIV?

How can he really be mad about being blackmailed when he’s essentially blackmailed the mothers of his children for years!!! When he couldn’t get his way, he threatened (or did) toss them out of their homes (and children with them) and bullied them on social media to try and get his way. He threw hissy fits and

If I had sex with someone and later found out they had HIV I would fucking hunt them down. Hopefully I’d have been smart enough to use a condom but the fact is that everyone has an obligation to inform potential sexual partners about their sexual health.