
Yes but they were colonies, not working amongst women in laundries at this time.

Seriously. I’m so sick of this joke.

Look, the rapist has a fetish for “seducing” straight women. She’s not interested in lesbians or consenting sex partners. This rapist targets straight women. She has a fetish for forcing herself onto straight women. Would it “sit wrong” if the rapist was a man and the victim was a lesbian? Probably not.

This isn’t the same as a woman regretting a one-night stand and then rescinding consent because the accuser never gave it to the defendant, she gave it to the man the defendant was pretending to be.

People seem concerned about getting this one rapist help.

I haven’t villified him and I don’t think his resignation was necessary. I also haven’t ignored that his next email offered a makeup exam. So there’s that.

I read the email when it was originally making the rounds and I think this resignation business in absurd. Just extend a proper apology that acknowledges why it was shitty to still hold class when the students’ sense of safety was compromised. I don’t even like the dude and I don’t think he should resign or be fired.

Don’t get me wrong, there is a lot of that kind of thing (and don’t count out all the goodies the Romans left behind). A person could easily spend 2-3 days to go through the entire museum. But the most popular exhibition hall, by far, is full of stuff from Egypt (mummies, sarcaphogi, jewels, an entire tomb that they

How about when the affected country asks?

I admit I hadn't read all the responses and having done so I apologize for my comments to you. It was not until after my own knee jerk (emphasize jerk) response that I read some of the more absurd defenses of the mother. Humbly tucking tail.

Really? Look I feel bad that this woman was struggling so much. The fact that she only raised $5 when she reached out for help is depressing. But why does she deserve more sympathy than the mom who was suffering from her own mental health problems and drove her kids off a bridge? Or the dad who accidentally shook his

You said she was more sympathetic than a parent who killed an able-bodied child. Meaning the kid having a disability is all of it, not part of it.

Amen sister. Mother of an autistic kid and once you see the hordes of people bending overbackwards to exonerate parents who murder their autistic kids you can’t unsee them. The exact same people would be baying for blood if the child these parents murdered was neurotypical. It is chilling to realize that people don’t

Firstly, if there is a time for rage, an innocent child’s murder would be that time. Secondly, I AM a “member of the disability community”, as are many of my friends and family. As is the person in the post I linked to above, and as are many of the other posters expressing similar outrage. You are tone policing, and

You’re intent on making everything I say seem like an outrageous reach, fine. I was obviously reacting to the tone of what you said, which was in essence “Why is everyone equating sympathy with excuse???? DUH they’re different!!” When it comes to sensitive or fraught issues, phrases that feel like no-brainers to some,

It’s about the relative value of disabled and non-disabled lives. A disabled child is killed by a parent, there is almost always great sympathy for the parent and little comment on the child’s life, by most individuals. When a non-disabled child is killed by a parent, there is (usually) outrage and anger. Our society

No, of course sympathy is not the same thing as condoning the action. It’s a question of context. Sympathy in the context of a society that often sympathizes with the murderer and ignores the victim does not have the same feel to it as sympathy for the murderer after taking the time to mourn the loss of the victim

WOW this rhetoric is gross. Neurotypical/abled parents murdering their neurodivergent/disabled children are not expressing some twisted kind of love or protective instinct. Romanticizing the death of children - particularly children already marginalized by society - isn’t noble, or right-minded. If this woman couldn’t

Yes and thank you. If a parent of a disabled person murders their child, it’s oh, the poor thing, they were just driven to it by the stress, with no focus on the complete lack of agency or value for the child who was murdered by the person who should have defended and protected themselves.

Thanks. I ultimately still disagree, because I think this totally divorces peoples discomfort from its cultural context. People view the lives of disabled kids differently than able-bodied/neurotypical kids, and that manifests in a lot of ways. You’re entitled to express your sympathy and concern for all parties, and