Whose terms and conditions? Their ISP? Their email provider? My ISP? My email provider? The Masons? The Other And Cooler Masons? You are lost on this one. Please refrain from contributing further until you pay somebody for the scraps of a clue.
Whose terms and conditions? Their ISP? Their email provider? My ISP? My email provider? The Masons? The Other And Cooler Masons? You are lost on this one. Please refrain from contributing further until you pay somebody for the scraps of a clue.
Fun fact: you can find photos of the little girl’s brutalized corpse on google. Say what you want about “TERFs”, but nothing about this fucked up scenario would have made anyone but Synthia’s white knights look like the bad guys.
Cathy Brennan in fact had very little to do with it; GenderTrender was the blog that broke…
Funny that your takeaway from an article about a vicious rapist and murderer is that Cathy Brennan is the evil one.
Really now? You seriously read those four pages of sick, twisted crap about that creature’s obsessive lust for serial killers and your takeaway was “aw, the poor thing couldn’t possibly have used its perfectly functional dick to rape a little girl because it’s only attracted to men?”
How this interview could go through a discussion unironically about what people are “disposable” in our society when this person’s crime (at least the portion they admit to) was literally throwing a person away. And to be still sticking to NO SNITCHING!
...And also pretty conclusively shows that she has not actually been in solitary for 20 years.
All my cousins in Cuba, Brazil, Ecuador, Uraguay, and Argentina whose grandparents or great-grandparents happened to go South upon crossing the Atlantic. Pope Francis. 95% of the people in Argentina.
Do you think it would be just if Blast were raped and stuffed in a suitcase? Because by this logic anything short of that could be considered justified. Not the logic I used nor am I a harcore retributionist I was comparing her current situation to that of her victim’s. If I was keen on the whole “eye-for-an-eye”…
White Latinos exist there are literally millions of them. Learn the difference between race and ethnicity.
How could you do an interview with Blast without doing a simple LexisNexis search? She’s an obvious murderer and high ranking member of the Latin Kings.
I’m confused. I read this article that seems to have been published in 2014 and doesn’t mention anything about solitary - in fact, the focus of the article is on her relationship with another prisoner. How does this fit with her having been in total solitude for the past however-many years?
It’s so easy to dismiss the trial without ever hearing the evidence on the other side, given a long sob story. I’m for criminal law reform and I hate the prison system, but I also know that murderers can be huge liars, and those in solitary sometimes earn it. Newsflash: transgender people can also be violent and…
Solitary confinement can be legitmately used to isolate leaders of violent prison gangs. And by her own admission, she was near the top leadership of Latin King.
Articles like this remind me why I don’t take liberal feminism seriously anymore.
“ Morales, 22, and Franco, 24, appeared unmoved as Bronx Supreme Court Justice Martin Marcus sentenced them to 25 years to life for the 1993 slaying. Bronx Prosecutor William Hrabsky said the two held the girl captive in a Hunts Point apartment, Morales raping her and repeatedly slashing her body. Franco was charged…
She describes herself as being defined as “disposable” and “garbage”.....meanwhile she actually disposed of a dead teenager like garbage...
How ass-backwards do you have to be as a feminists to promote a child rapist and murderer on your site Jezebel?
This person butchered a child and stuffed her in a suitcase and set her on fire. Fact.
Sorry, no sympathy for this murdering rapist. Let her rot in prison.
I’m rolling my eyes at the claims of innocence. Everyone in jail claims to be innocent and that they were falsely convicted. I’m not buying the “scared of retaliation from gang members” story either. BUT THAT DOESN’T MATTER. Prisons are full of objectively awful men and women who have done awful things and yes, it’s…