
I wrote two sentences not an entire biography. You don’t know me or what I’ve been though.

you know how boys start whacking it around 10-11? girls gotta start whacking it earlier too (cause isn’t like the average age when women start masturbating like early 20s?).

I hate your use of “we”

I’m also certain that you’re totally on-board when some racist asshole says “see, those three black thugs prove that all black people are criminals!”

Black people are not a social group. We don’t choose our members. We don’t have locations, clothing, logos, and the like. So...not at all the same thing. Please.

“ if that social group didn’t directly create the bad behavior” And you really think it didn’t? How many of these stories do we need to convince you that there is an institutional, systemic problem?

So now you’re trying to find reasons why she receives so much more than her male co star, but in every other case when the genders are flipped, it must come down to gender discrimination?

I’m going to have ot call big steaming pile of horseshit on the idea that the no-kid view point is represented absurdly heavily. It’s certainly there, and there is a minority of asshole who bang on about it frequently and loudly. But if you think it’s more common than the BABYBABYBABY! noise from the other side then

How can having a child be considered a %100 voluntary decision when the availability of birth control and reproductive health services is as shoddy as it is in the USA? Even then, no birth control is %100 effective. Surprises happen and not everyone is willing (or able) to terminate an accidental pregnancy.

No, that’s like saying people have the right to scratch their armpits. Yes, you can. And no, no one has laws against it. But it’s not a RIGHT. You simply have the bodily capability to have offspring (in most cases). It’s a bodily function, but it is a choice. An option, not a requirement.

Yes. I really don’t see this “child-hating” demographic ad infinitum is referring to, if anything most jezebel posters seem to agree with the general sentiments of this article. And in day-to-day life I have never encountered these child-haters, but I HAVE encountered my fair share of entitled folks with kids who

Just a quick comment on the second half of your reply. I think this ties back to the explanation in the article about old school feminists eschewing gender norms. I have been pressured my whole life to have kids. By family, friends, the media etc. My natural reaction is to do the exact opposite. We are told every day

I got passed up for a promotion last year because my inexperienced coworker is 30+ years older with three kids. I spend a good chunk of my day training and re-training her still a year later! You just have to decide when you've had enough.

In one of her next movies, she’ll be paid almost twice as much as her male co star Chris Pratt, even though he too is coming straight from two massive box office hits as the male lead, Guardians of The Galaxy and Jurassic World. Is it now his turn to complain about gender inequality? I’ll bet we won’t her a peep from

I don’t agree that the wage gap gets worse at the very top ends of the economic spectrum. I think the wage gap is worse for working-class women. I’m not sure if it’s worse in percentage terms, but it’s definitely worse in the sense that it has a more destructive effects on working-class women’s lives. For upper-class

I am familiar with the trials and tribulations of JLaw. They are shoved down the public’s throat on a regular basis. My god, there are so many rabid JLaw fans.

I started off commenting on her salary last year, perhaps I worded it wrong. But since then I have been told to “fuck off” “screw my mother” “go suck a dick” and “die”. I have dismissed those comments. I am not sure they are from rabid JLaw fans or misguided commentators.

I care about the woman who works at Wendy’s who makes less then her male counterpart and lives in fear of her electricity being turned off. Not a bunch of Dior clad movie stars and media moguls with comb overs.

It’s not a question of “not liking kids.” It’s a question of “reasonable impingement of others upon my quality of life.” If I’m expected to avoid impairing others’ experience, you’re damn well responsible to avoid impairing mine.

I think there’s a bit of a difference between the mutual need to get to work and a howling three-year-old in my accounting lecture.