
Not really. The VMAs is simply about awarding the most popular videos. Complaining about being overlooked for an award isn’t the same thing as making a movie about slavery and then saying black critics are being unfair towards it.

He’s just basically exploiting some of humanity’s bleakest tragedies and playing it up with some cool shots and witty banter, without considering the moral complexities of the tragedy.

If she has the ability to feel anger, then she has the ability to feel compassion . You don’t need to do research to understand that victims are terrified of testifying. Who knows what her hubby threatened. House of Ruth exists for a reason. I’ve seen judges give verbal warnings and show compassion.

This judge has doubtless done more for domestic violence victims than all the outraged commenters here. It’s a little silly to read a story on the Internet, think you understand the legal system and pass judgment on the people who do this kind of thing for a living.

And keep in mind the mental state of the defendant would never have mattered to the judge as long as he was mentally competent enough to be tried in the first place.

It’s extraordinarily frustrating to be trying to protect someone when she won’t even help by testifying. Which is probably the same reason why the judge was pissed. Because the date earlier she had to release the abusive asshole.

Nope. Not even by a long shot. She was acting precisely like the guy who abused that woman. The notion that you don’t beat someone to pulp with a baseball bat is not restricted to social workers, and she was doing the very same thing, just not physically but psychologically. She inflicted serious harm to the woman AND

Well, she’s certainly made sure that no one will ever press charges in her jurisdiction again. Ever.

Evidence of her mental issues is THAT SHE’S IN COURT FOR BEING ATTACKED AND HELD AT KNIFEPOINT by the father of her child. Not even the world’s toughest person would come out of that unscathed, and certainly not just a few months after the incident. Oh and PS - getting mental health care isn’t like walking into the ER

Oh fuck off.

And it fucking well is her job to research domestic violence if she’s going to be deciding cases on the basis of victims’ testimony and behavior in court. Don’t make shitty excuses for other people’s shitty behavior.


Did you really just say that bench books on domestic violence are imaginary? Here, lemme school you with just a few examples:

Work on your reading comprehension. I wasn’t giving a definition of what fair and impartial means, I made that statement in response to another comment.

Wow you didn’t read past that first sentence, did you.

Really? Judges are supposed to say things like, “oh, you have anxiety? Well, you haven’t seen anxiety yet!”to say, abuse victims right before tossing them in the slammer?? Give me a fucking break. Judges are supposed to act like professionals too, not taunting mean girls.

Working for a prosecutor’s office doesn’t mean you’re correct, and none of this behavior is ok.

If the judge’s contempt stems from frustration that victims often drop complaints, she did the absolute worst thing she could have done. Victims are already terrified to press charges; the judge just announced to victims everywhere that the very worst thing they can ever do is seek help through the legal system,

There’s only one Indian actor in Hollywood?

The author and critics are saying the character is Korean American and not just Asian so you may have missed something.

okay. go laugh somewhere far away from me because you’re a gross person and I don’t care for you.