
You are not too bright, huh? Just because you don’t like being pregnant Most people don’t!) doesn’t mean you don’t want your own children. You’re making it into something this wild and crazy situation when it’s very common. She very much wanted more children and went through a LOT to get pregnant this time.

Okay? You're welcome! :)

Right. It couldn’t possibly be this. It has to be everyone doesn’t understand metaphors n shit. Of course.

I mean, it’s more than a little weird when you consider that the people fighting to KEEP slavery were called Rebels. It’s a very very very poor choice of words, regardless of intent.

maybe people have a problem with using slavery as a metaphor? like using rape as a metaphor?

You got it. Noisy laughter from a group of white women: very annoying!

No, I’m really not. When you claim that calling something racism “dilutes claims of actual racism,” you are self-evidently claiming that thing is not actually racist. If it was, if there was even a chance it could be, claiming that it’s totally different than “actual racism” would be a bizarre and nonsensical

You might want to reread your own comments there, Sparky.

Wow. You are deeply, profoundly confused about what “innocent until proven guilty” means. First, it applies to judgment in a court of law, and only judgment in a court of law. The guy who shot up the Oregon campus yesterday has not had his guilt proven in a court of law, so legally, he is not guilty. Honest to god,

Filipino persons ARE NOT all of Hispanic descent. Most Filipinos are indigenous or Asian.

Actually, the number of people in the Philippines of Spanish descent is not thought to be that large, though the government does not actually track that data.

Since the Pacific Ocean formed? I dunno. This is a tough question to answer.

Never. Because she didn’t make any room for him on that damn piece of wood.

Please no she deserves better than that greasy beard on chicken legs.

Maybe she shouldn’t have plotted to kill another human being. She shouldn’t be killed by the state but that dosen’t mean she shouldn’t be punished.

I guess you missed the part where I said I was against the death penalty.

Women are less likely than men to receive harsh sentences. What Gawker isn’t mentioning is that during the trial she conspired to hire someone to falsely confess to holding her at gunpoint and driving her to her husband’s murder. She also had a list of people she wanted that person to beat the shit out of. Her

I’m against the death penalty. I just wish, people wouldn’t try to humanize her by stupid hashtags or pointing out, what a great person she has become in prison. She already was an adult and not an impressionable teen when she orchestrated her husband’s murder in cold blood. She should rot in jail for the rest of her

Exactly. Why is she the victim now?