
She didn’t say she “didn’t qualify her feminism”; she said she does not qualify herself as a feminist. Those mean two different things.

They chose something symbolic. A place that charges 5 pounds for a bowl of cereal (equivalent to $7.60, for American readers) symbolizes the way that the neighborhood is changing to suit the tastes of hipsters with deep pockets. This kind of protest is what brings public attention to the issue. In this case it worked,

obviously launching a physical assault on any business is not constructive

You should have an option to move into cheap, safe, and affordable housing.

Just because a business is privately owned does not mean it is a good thing for the neighborhood. If the neighborhood is overrun by pour over coffee and artisinal toast joints, to the extent that long-time residents are forced out so that rents can be raised, that is definitely not a good thing.

I would agree except on “talented actress.” I haven’t seen every film, but she’s definitely not the best I’ve seen. Then again, I feel the same way about Natalie Portman so maybe my standards are too high for actors. As they should be, considering how much they get paid.

I disagree 1000%... We were EXTREMELY vocal about how we felt about the movie on every news site and blog. We hit them in the pockets and they got the point that we want movies about us and for us. This needs to be done for every single bull$hit movie they try to feed us.

Not the point. If you’re being handed an award, and this basically was for Zendaya, it’s rude for someone to shout out “But what about my award?” Teen Twitter outrage is often over stupid shit, but every once in a while they get it right. From the mouths of babes and all that. Demi should have just tweeted a

Ha that’s the thing. Demi will never have a Barbie. Special one of a kind Barbies are pretty big deal. Not every celebrity gets hers. Hence the butthurt. Why her, not me, etc.

There are always little instances such as this, in which another girl is shining and she says something like “but what about meeeee?? I’m a recovering drug addict and bulimic!” Or if a girl shares her struggles she tweets to remind people about hers. Oh No They Didn’t has this well documented on the Demi tag. She just

“Teens across Twitter are very upset at Demi Lovato for stealing Zendaya’s thunder. I’m not quite certain how teen outrage works, but this is over a Barbie doll.”

Honestly, after the way Amy P reacted to Viola Davis’s Emmy acceptance speech, she and all her projects can fuck off. Was indifferent before, but now she’s on the same list as Dunham. Fuck ‘em both.

When I came down here, Myrtle Avenue here, it was abandoned.

26 years of life has taught me overt racism is much preferable to the alternative. I’d rather the person let me know not to waste my time in advance instead of grinning through their teeth at me only to eventually let me know how they really think of people who look like me when they get a tad too familiar.

That’s not what happened.

Maybe. Or maybe he’s wrong now like they were wrong then. And maybe in both cases it is filmmakers projecting their own prejudices onto the audience.

As have I, and the Jews that support the Palestinians. Most of them have lived in both Israel and the West Bank. 100% of them understand the definition of apartheid, and the inhumanity that happens to the Palestinians. Maybe if your kind did not brutally, violently, and systematically kill and deny the Palestinians

There’s been a couple presidents who have kinda suggested “Hey, you shouldn’t do these things... but... we still support ya.” They’re rather toothless statements that don’t give Israeli leaders any impetuous to change their behaviors to Palestinians.

Funny how you are concerned with the Palestinians when they are the ones being forced into a life of hell because Israel refused them every opportunity to exist as human beings. Your sorry excuse for supporting Israel says a lot about how you don’t understand what is happening to people there.

My requests for his views on Israel get ignored. I honestly chalk up the GMO/homeopathy stuff to Vermont hippie idiots and the Iraq stuff as self-preservation.