
He clearly meant to leave it to Tom and just made a mistake not having it signed by a second witness. I don’t give a fuck if they legally have the rights to it; that woman especially is a cunt of the highest order implying that her uncle probably didn’t really love his partner of 55 years because of a mistake in

“He had 50 years to put Tom’s name on any of these papers,” Ms. DeMaio said. “The will was never a valid will.”

Ms. DeMaio suggested that perhaps the two men were just “friends” or “great companions.”

“Yet you’ll probably vote for Chelsea Clinton someday”

I can, but it’s really not on me to educate you. Try googling.

It’s really not that hard though. The fact that you can’t think of one small thing to do is disheartening though unsurprising.

It might also interest everyone to know that a black male writer is actually one of the chief re-writers/script-doctors on the script.

A lot of what you read and your opinions about her might have had to do with the fact that her history was almost exclusively written about and recorded by men. (Even if you were reading academic texts on her the primary cited source for such things was mostly male academics.) Nancy Mitford’s book (which the script is


Absolutely. Her brothers, and possibly financial security, saving face with the community, etc. Anything other than the girl who is both their responsibility and his victim. Ugh.

You know what, it’s quite plausible that she’s devastated at the thought of not having her dad in her life

WHAT does she think a monster is!?!

Repeatedly. Repeatedly raping your 12-year old daughter. He was only charged with the one count in the end, but it happened more than once.

Lawmaker #1: Ok, any more suggestions on the rape laws?

May I add the word “REPEATEDLY” to your last sentence. This is so far beyond fucked up, that I actually said out loud, at work, “This is really fucked up.”

This poor, poor little girl. You know what, it’s quite plausible that she’s devastated at the thought of not having her dad in her life - abuse within families is as complicated as it is horrific, and it could not be clearer that the adults in her life are encouraging her feelings of loss and guilt, rather than those

“...there’s a loophole for those arrested for incest involving someone under 12 years old.”
*record scratch* Say what now?

He is not a monster, just a man that really screwed up and has been paying in many ways.”

At the least she still has to live with a mother that thinks her rapist is not such a bad guy and deserves forgiveness.

Robin Wright had to fight for equal pay on House of Cards. She wanted what Kevin Spacey got. Besides playing Claire, she’s also an EP (like Spacey) and occasional director on the show.