
She’s suggesting that her husband can’t stand up to peer pressure from Billy Bush. That might be more damning than the misogyny.

Were you here during the Amanda Bynes years?

People have empathy for Lindsay Lohan? What planet do you live on? She’s a train wreck.

Nonsense. She is mean spirited first and foremost. Chalking up every form of assholery to “mental illness” is both hugely insulting to people who are mentally ill and a weak justification for the bad behavior of a nasty, homophobic bigot. Ms. Banks needs to slither back under her rock.

Being a female POC isn’t a “get

What mental illness does azealia banks have besides being a huge asshole?

You know, I’m gonna say something I think we all need to remember. It’s good to have an adversary, and better to have a worthy one.

Although I’d respect her far more if she cast a vote for Hills, I’ll take 2 principled Navarros over 1 unprincipled and immature Stein voter any day of the week.

I’m so sorry this happened to you. I was molested by my mother’s boyfriend when I was 6 and my mother insisted I just “misunderstood what happened.” NO. I haven’t spoken to her in ten years. May this sweet little girl run as far and as fast as she can.

i hope this poor 12 yr old gets away from these toxic assholes as soon as humanly possible.

Holy fucking shit, I must be on some serious hallucinogens because I would swear that says LETTERS OF SUPPORT... FROM THE *VICTIM’S* MOTHER AND GRANDMOTHER... ASKING FOR THE RAPIST TO STAY IN THE COMMUNITY.

Thanks for all the FUCKING SUPPORT, Mom and Meemaw. I bet it means so much to your 12-year-old who was raped by a

Another reason why the unions at one time were needed, still are. When FMLA rolled out my employer tried to supersede the union contract of six weeks paid leave. The union did capitulate to other than child leave in some aspects. I suffered from migraines and would occasionally need a few hours off, FMLA covered up to

ALL benefits - family leave, health insurance, sick leave, vacation time - needs to be guaranteed regardless of employer. Workers will no longer have to choose between taking a job with shit benefits or not having a job at all, and employers can’t use it as a bargaining chip. If everyone starts off at the same level

I didn’t say she had a right to that coverage. But she has the right to ask, and she did, successfully, and bully for her.

“If you don’t like the benefits the company provides, don’t take the job. Be an adult.”

She certainly does have the right to negotiate improvements in pay and benefits. Why on earth would you think otherwise?

I’m glad you were able to afford taking that time unpaid. That doesn’t mean that that situation wouldn’t have been a lot harder for other people; I guess I just have more empathy for those people than you do. 

You are arguing a freedom of contract line. But parties to a contract can also try to renegotiate the terms of that contract. This woman apparently successfully renegotiated the terms of *all employees’ contracts. That’s freedom of contract at its finest. :)

It’s sad that you don’t understand why there should be. Guess you’ll have to figure it out once a close family member gets sick when you’re in one of those situations.

My girlfriend and I were talking about this during the debate. Just like his homes, his suits look so, so, so cheaply made. He likely spends a ton of money on each suit, only to look like he’s wearing a suit that belongs to someone else.

She has a book coming out next year about the subject, promising “highly tactical, solution-oriented content” for women in the office.