
So now he’s basically admitted that everything he’s done and is continuing to do is for the purposes of being an asshole, right? That’s the correct reading here yeah?

Right? Like, sure, you can be publicly sadistic to someone you’re in a bitter court battle with, but it sure as shit doesn’t help your case for looking not monstrous.

Is Dr. Luke a fucking sociopath?

Philosophical? Lol. Must be nice to have male privilege.

That pissed me off so much.

Not only did he treat women like powerless damsels in distress, but he completely edited out any female presence whatsoever during the uprising and killings. Women weren’t all in hiding; they were rightthefuckthere literally alongside the men.

yeah, i’m fine with it being only semi-historical. most good history movies are! but i’m not watching a movie with ahistorical rape scenes written by rapists

I’m fairly sympathetic to fictionalization in general, not because it’s good—but because you can’t get a movie/tv show/etc. made without fictionalizing the crap out of it. However, you hit the nail on the head—it’s not just the fictionalization, it’s adding all this shit at the expense of women.

Well, considering I’m Black and almost every review I’ve read was written by Black people, including two Black historians, that is not an issue for me.

I just posted this on another article, but I’m gonna repeat it.

Yeah she did, but in no way is she responsible for the lewd comments he made about her to Howard Stern. I am not a fan of her political alignments, but to be sexualized by your own father? Uuuuugh.

OMG. That’s what’s behind the hair. He’s growing it so he can let it down out of a window and someone can climb up it.

This will not be surprising to those of us who have been paying attention. If this video surfaces, it’s not going to cause him to lose support with his base. The GOP only really lost their shit when he mentioned harrassing a white woman (as Black Twitter continues to point out.)

Its “natural” for a woman to give birth to eight children and only have a few survive. It’s “natural” for the whole family to sleep in a 10 x 10 dwelling and parents to just have sex under the cloth/skins/whathave you with everybody there. It’s “natural” to die at 40ish. Lets not assume natural is better.

Yeah, I think this needs to be understood/repeated. It’s the same thing that happened/is still happening with Abercrombie & Fitch and their ilk. If your brand is focused on a particular trend and nothing else, eventually you’re going to be in trouble when the trends eventually change, unless you have the right people

Lots of people see NastyGal as some sort of form of women’s economic liberation, but it should never be forgotten or understated: it was still a business. In the end it was a fashion company that sold clothes, and fashion changes by the year and in unpredictable ways. We can look back at decades past and say “how did

Personally, I can’t wait for Kellyanne Conway to jump ship.

It’s so luxurious, you wouldn’t believe what people are saying about this stocking cap, I sent the best people to find my cap, they tell me this is the longest one anywhere, anywhere in the world you can’t find a better one than this, I was in China and other Asia and I see the stocking caps they have there, everyone

<the secret ingredient is always money>