
I love James Corden. He reminds me of a grown-up Teddy Ruxpin.

Leopard print is oddly aging, though I’m not a fan of it at all. It’s kiiiind of cute on toddler girls who are sassy and it’s great for 20 year olds pretending to be old enough to sneak into the club, but otherwise I don’t get it as a fashion choice.

i think he’s cute but not handsome and not jessica williams level

That’s pretty amazing coming from a guy who had a very public, very nasty divorce due to adultery while he was mayor of New York City. The gall of these men...

Because she’s a “model” and can’t fuck with her face and body if she wants to continue to be able to work.

Must be a Kylie impersonator that hasn’t had any work done yet.

Or! And I’m just spit-balling here, she’s actually doing herself a big favor playing into the “I don’t know a damn thing, okay?” version of events.

I keep seeing this reported, but when did Angelina take her children to Syria?? I was under the impression they went to a refugee camp in Lebanon and one in Iraq, but the Iraqi one was not in an active war zone. I seriously doubt Angelina would be permitted to bring her children into Syria even if she wanted to.

I love this comment because that’s what I’ve been thinking. Of all the things to blame her for, this is the best he can come up with?

only ask for the same in return.

And presumably the girls do expect to be treated like the boys. It’s the boys having hysterics, here.

That’s really not helping their case.

Even more proof Caitlyn Jenner is an awful person. She is supporting and trying to put into office a man whose goal is to appeal to the same people who would like to see his family members hanged. Voting with a group of people who wish black children be murdered, is pretty god damn gross. And if Kim is that stupid, as

I’m pretty sure that if it came down between Hitler and Hillary, Caitlyn would choose Hitler. That’s how far her head is buried in the sand. Absolutely no fucks given for anyone but herself.

Seriously. I have no tolerance for people who are willfully blind to the way their privilege shields them from the effects of the terrible, cruel ideas they support.

I came here to say just that. She is a fucking ignorant dipshit whose wealth makes all the difference in the world. I can’t get into this. After the second season of watching Caitlyn, she is no fucking ally.

You’re being really presumptuous by assuming that this man is mentally ill. Some people are just plain weird, with no mental illness.

i feel like bananas dont have a very strong smell? your comment is confusing me

Of course its mocking, its fucking WEIRD and creepy. Sure there are “all kinds of people” out there. Doesn’t mean they’re absolved of being judged for bizarre abnormal behavior.