
I once felt compelled to compliment a woman's incredibly dope heels during lunch one day as she stood nearby looking at her phone. she looked up and the reaction was confusion-registering of what I said-looking down at the shoes-beaming smile and a "thank you." Kind of made my day that a bit of sunshine in her day

Giles was often an unreliable character when it came to truth. See: The Ripper Years. How he chose to justify his role and what the Watcher Council (another shifty entity) chose to instruct its members does not necessarily construe the absolute in-universe mechanics of the show.

I just appreciate that even perfect celebrities get red marks from crossing their legs. I hate it and they last forever it seems like.

"I'm not a feminist!"

"HAHAHA no shut up, that story about me puking in front of Miley Cyrus is not a lie hahhaha. SERIOUSLY WHO ARE YOU WORKING FOR?"

Emma's not here right now, may I take a message?

Here is the crazy ass thing about this argument though. When women (or gays, or Asians, et. al.) are under represented in media, it's up to them to make themselves represented. Then when they do make themselves represented, they're now on the hook for representing everyone else too.

So he's upset about the 2 male inmates represented? One which was a blatant set up for a one liner for Taylor Schilling's character to be glad he's only a rapist, to show how far she's come from being initially incarcerated? A character who is actually only there to further the story line of two women?

I'm not sure why this is confusing to people. Being vegan has nothing to do about food or health or diet, it is an ethical choice based on promoting animal liberation, just like being a feminist or an anti-racist. So, when pushed, of course vegans are 'moralizing'. They believe you participate int he torture rape and

Look, we all understand how society and our culture at large breeds misogyny. We talk about it all. the. time. And yeah, I bet it does make you feel like shit to be taught that your job as a man is to win the prize of a lady - and then you don't end up winning the lady. No sarcasm, I can honestly see how that can make

Get close to her face. If her eyes go to your lips, kiss her. If not, back off.

THIS! Men use their private spaces to organize their violence every day. The walls of men's bathrooms read like the blueprints of a terrorist organization. Potential rape victims are named and future attacks (physical and psychological) are encouraged. ("Alice is a whore. Tell everyone. Or buy her a drink and find

My vagina made $9500 working from home this week! My vagina's last paycheck was $9500 working 12 hours a week online. My neighbour's sister's vagina has been averaging 15k for months now and she works about 20 hours a week! I can't believe how easy it was once I tried it out.

This is what I do,,,,,,,,,,

They have a point - if 100% of pregnant women had abortions, we'd have this depression thing completely solved in 100 years, tops.

Women with their breasts out on the internet?! OH NOES! The sluts!

Yes. Volunteering at the damn Olympic games isn't the same as consenting to be photographed with the knowledge that the photographs will be publicly distributed with your identity attached to them. Existing in the world as an attractive* woman shouldn't be considered justification for infiltrating someone's privacy