
Not evil.

Well, has anyone considered that these models just had these "memories" implanted and they're suffering from false memory syndrome (it's SUPER common, you guys, way more than actual harassment and very relevant to bring up in discussions about sexual harassment/assault). If he's a photographer why isn't there any of

So we ban drugs, ostensibly for public safety, but this sort of thing is absolutely fine? I'm not criticising those who do crazy things like this (I actually really admire the braveness and skill involved and I believe strongly in personal freedom), but personally I'd feel about a quadrillion times safer taking heroin

As a college prof I understand the desire to create a class with a spicy title in order to get folks into seats (and maybe into the major.) For those already mocking this class as useless (because obviously they've already taken a class on the Politics of Beyonce) I think classes like that can be great because you get

Wouldn't it be perhaps more helpful to turn our attention to those who should have won? I feel like it's maybe counterproductive to keep paying attention to the straight white dude because we are mad that people only pay attention to straight white dudes.

Maybe I was reading into it too deeply, but I saw the magazine picture in the waiting room as a great example about how alll the therapy in the world isn't going to change the fact that we live in a society that values youth and thinness and beauty above all else. The therapist can lecture her all she wants, and there

That feeling of sitting at the table watching all your friends eat pizza while you resist it...all too familiar.