
Thanks for answering. It's scary, especially your mentions of the open carry activists and a militia. Fingers crossed nothing bad happens when the verdict is released. I'm nervous for Missouri.

How do you know what KKK membership is like? I'm just really not familiar with how the modern day KKK exists and how it's allowed to exist.

I have always been told/trained not to fight back, to NEVER fight back. Even in cases of rape and when you don't know if you're going to be murdered...give them whatever they want and hope they go easy on you.

Yeah, I'm sure she would have been much safer if she was drunk at night, like a respectable woman.

This is about you seeing yourself in the men in the video, it's about women seeing themselves in the woman in this video. This is about the experience of women, so we really don't need the "not all men" s on this, thanks.

How can anyone be 1/12th anything? The math isn't working out to me, I can see 1/2, 1/4, 1/16, 1/64...

How can anyone be 1/12th anything? The math isn't working out to me, I can see 1/2, 1/4, 1/16, 1/64...

Syphilis infection actually went the other way. It came from the Americas and infected and killed a lot of Europeans after boats started going back and forth there. Not that this changes anything about the article or who were the historical villains here, I just think it's interesting.

In my experience, packs with placebo pills (pills you take during your hormone free withdrawal bleed/period time) use multiple rows (usually 4, one time 3), whereas ones that have you just skip 7 days between packs would use the continuous rectangular circuit type of packs. The placebo pills having onew seem more

Bagels and hummus became my go-to breakfast when I first became vegan a couple years ago. Veganism only stuck about a year, but hummus is still a breakfast favourite of mine.

He has amusingly poor logic skills!

yes. And also, when it comes out, people I literally don't even know want to draw me into a debate about it (well first they are often surprised because I am fat and messy even as a vegan). And they are always coming from a smug "but it's natural, also bacon, also haha vegetarians are annoying pussies."

Okay this I've seen a lot of (as opposed to the preachy vegan stereotype I haven't seen, as I wrote above).

I don't really get this. From a vegetarian/vegan perspective, it always seems to me that omnivores around me are so defensive. I don't like to talk about my diet choice, but people invariably ask, and push, often when they first meet me, and then when I'm roped into a sudden debate, I get called preachy and they get

I don't really get this. From a vegetarian/vegan perspective, it always seems to me that omnivores around me are so defensive. I don't like to talk about my diet choice, but people invariably ask, and push, often when they first meet me, and then when I'm roped into a sudden debate, I get called preachy and they get

I find it really disturbing that he says "better than going without any female company at all," as if they are female company at all. It seems like he really does see women as objects (which would explain why they are so "unattainable" to him).

I was talking to my friend the other day about how my issue with John Green's novels is they all feature the manic pixie dream girl trope (though they're also about the trope itself, and while they do attempt to subvert it, I think they fail), and I love The Fault in our Stars 'cause it doesn't fit into that

Ah, I got in an argument with my male partner about this ad just last night. He couldn't understand why it pissed me off! Maybe because they're all right it is unreasonable to expect one person to be the perfect doctor, financial planner, 24/7, 365 days a year, on her feet one hundred percent of the time with no

My sister dated a conspiracy theorist who believed (fully believed, not suspected) that there was a society of "enlightened humans" who lived in the centre of the earth. She dated him for months after discovering that.

Me too. :(