bellaluna, STILL waiting on the ELE

When the Anchorman line from the Sex Panther scene is a valid response to someone from the White House talking on national TV interviews, I think we need new words for exactly what heights of weirdness we have reached.

That is magnificent. The “Satan” as Mattel logo is genius.

Slightly less scary (and with cuter calves)

Shouty Spice. Gold.

They helped make the monster. They better fucking help bring it down.

Well the other argument is that she keeps spreading lies that people actually believe - like the article pointed out, Trumplings actually believe Bowling Green Massacre was a thing - which is scary. The more of this misinformation is out there, the more reality and lies will get so entangled that people won’t be able

I read this morning that WaPo is hiring 60 more journalists! As soon as I get paid next week I’m subscribing to help support their efforts.

It’s a good thing I wasn’t planning on sleeping tonight, because yikes.

I now hate Matt Lauer one degree less. That’s saying a lot as I’ll never forgive him for what he did to Ann Curry.

Many people sympathetic to Spicer in and out of the White House believe otherwise.

Yeah and it isn’t cute. I mean they sacrificed their souls to get good ratings and now that they smell blood they’re calling people out but that’s for ratings too. Thank god the NYT and wapo are doing investigation journalism.

It’s about fucking time, media. They are partly responsible for this shit show and should be apologizing to the American people everyday.

The same Matt Lauer who was tricked and deceived by that master manipulator, Ryan Lochte!

If I became so morally compromised that I could be savaged in a conversation by Matt Lauer, I would change my name and hair colour and just emigrate.

My thought exactly. We’re talking about the same Matt-fucking-Lauer that served up nothing but softballs to Trumpy before the general election.

“You can laugh at me all you want” always, ALWAYS, means “STOP FUCKING LAUGHING AT ME.”

Instead, she got beat down by Matt Lauer, who responded to her usual word soup with, “Kellyanne, that makes no sense.”

Now playing

The moment when she got read for the absurd liar she is: Anderson doesn’t  say a thing, he just reflexively can’t stop laughing at her (though finally he blurts out, “This is so stupid!”). Anyone who hasn’t seen this, let this minute and a half brighten your day....

During times of great upheaval, like The Great Depression and WWII, don’t people prefer light, frivolous entertainment? Just like during the crash of the 1930's, what we need now is musicals, romantic comedies, uplifting music, weed and harcore porn, not this depressing bullshit.

My parents watched it. They said “Wow, it was really good, but it was really hard to watch.”