Also it shouldn’t be your child’s responsibility to do this. You should have enough of a moral compass to try to do the right thing yourself in order to set an example for you kids!
So she’s the CEO of Trump Fuckery, Inc.
“[Trump] called his national security advisor at 3 am with a pressing question he needed answered—is a strong or weak dollar better for the economy?”
“always pushing me to do the right thing”
I love his assertion that her being ‘a great person’ (citation needed) has any bearing on Nordstrom carrying her line. They cut it because it didn’t sell, and Nordstrom is a business, it wouldn’t matter if it was Mother Teresa’s line.
Judge Randy Stoker should be bombarded with actual mail to his home address, since, ya know — he hates the Internet and thinks it’s a good excuse for rape. But since I’m not privy his home address, he can be reached here:
Translation: None of those hippy chicks would sleep with him so they must not have been sleeping with anybody.
When I was 19 years of age, the sexual proclivities of young people wasn’t anything, anything like I see today.
This is obviously horrible. But I doubt it will have any effect. The republicans don’t even need to pretend to care anymore, optics be damned. I mean they showed us who they are a million times and their asses still got re-elected.
This, it’s like National Socialism. Hitler’s folks didn’t want conservative government; they wanted all of the stuff going to everyone to simply go to them.
Oh, and I call B.S. on the Trumpeters’ and Greg Abbott’s statement that elected officials “do not get to pick and choose which laws they obey.”
The truth is, people don’t want small government. They want a big government that helps them hoard whatever they think is theirs.
This is what I don’t understand about people supporting The Wall. This is gonna take grazing land and watering rights from a TON of private citizens. In Texas.
Cool. CNN, you were on the right track refusing to book her Sunday. Stop booking members of this administration. Do not give them a platform to lie and gaslight the nation. They are not arguing in good faith. They are seeing how many lies they can shove down our throat.
Though every day in 2017 feels like a week, it has only been four days since Kellyanne Conway, Donald Trump’s…