Wow, that is special, even for her. “Sir, your constituents want to talk to you.” “Sorry, I don’t talk to constituents, I just talk to real people.”
Wow, that is special, even for her. “Sir, your constituents want to talk to you.” “Sorry, I don’t talk to constituents, I just talk to real people.”
And the fact that THAT NEW GUY is attempting to question the Judicial Branch’s legal authority.
Tell Us How the Public School System Benefited You
Hey, Stein: Go sit in the corner and think about what you’ve done. Really? You’re blaming the Democrats for all voting against a rubbish nominee while not even blaming the GOP for voting for this nightmare? Sod off.
Public Schools benefitted me by making me smart enough to not vote for Trump.
Conway: I only care about the übermenschen.
I had probably the best High School English teacher to ever exist, who was the reason I got my degree in literature (despite having numerous shitty teachers in the subject), and whose advice and lessons I still think about a decade later.
From kindergarten to my senior year, I attended public school in Wyoming, the state whose “grizzly bear school”…
I think he’s only incidentally/accidentally funny, because he neither understands humor nor why his statements are absurd and terrifying if they’re not meant as jokes. These things require a basic understanding of the world and a modicum of self-awareness.
And when you say “this side of corruption” you mean “the least corrupt thing Trump has done in the last 4 hours”, right?
Anna, you’re gonna need to start a “Bigly Time, Big Time Dicks” column.
This is where the libertarian-leaning branch of the Republican party needs to speak up. Civil forfeiture is probably the closest thing we could legally get to “the government is gonna take all my guns!”
Yep, and Trump’s telling “Do you believe that?” as some sort of incredulous shoulder nudge is fucked up, too. Once again, our president (ain’t now way in hell I’m capitalizing it) shows a blatant lack of even basic knowledge or awareness or respect regarding simple legal or political terms and concepts.
How can we tolerate someone how actually takes real pleasure in being such a mean person? A Missouri rep was on MSNBC very delicately critiquing Trump’s comments regarding the judge. He said we need to start teaching better civics in fourth grade..HOW ABOUT WE FUCKING START WITH YOUR FUCKING STANDARD BEARER?
Whelp, threatening to ruin a political career because you disagree with a policy is like just this side of corruption if i say so myself.
Oh god, will Richard Branson allow all of us to come to that private island so we can go jet skiing with president obama for the next four years?
Yes. She is confirmed. Congress just dealt the death blow to public education.
in one email he wrote, “Unless it’s a knighthood fuck off”
February 7, 2017. The day public education died.