bellaluna, STILL waiting on the ELE

Let’s be real, if he thought he could use them as slave labor in his hotels, he’d take them.

Dick Cheney and the Koch Brothers oppose the Muslim ban. DICK CHENEY and the KOCH BROTHERS think something is reprehensible. I would think that would be enough to make anyone question their life choices.

And Sam better get herself a bodyguard after that because we know Cheetolini’s #1 guiding principle is revenge.

This is not a theory. It is a conspiracy fact. These people want a theocratic government and they have taken the White House and Congress.

He’ll say he’s too busy fixing America, he’ll find a way to be overseas or he’ll just outright say he doesn’t want to reward the fake media. He definitely won’t leave himself open to roasting.

Shit, you’re correct!

Trump is Scottish and German/Bavarian, not Irish. Still ok with boiling him though.

A few days ago, a colleague and I were openly wondering what excuse Trump would give to weasel out of attending. If it does go on, I would love, love, love for the “celebrity dates” to be his most powerful Republican critics: the Koch Brothers, Evan McMullin, McCain, Graham— just to fuck with him.

When they went to the inauguration? Dead.

Trump’s Irish, rather than roasting, Sam Bee should boil him.

My hope is that Sam’s Dinner gets more media coverage, viewership, and star-studded attendance.

She is a national treasue for both Canada and the US.

God, I love Samantha Bee. That is all.

“I think that’s going to be very challenging. Does 3 Doors Down do comedy? I don’t know, maybe they do.”

Trump campaigned on banning Muslims and called it as such. He gave an interview about giving preferentially status to Christian refugees. His executive order only applies to Muslim-majority countries. You don’t think this is a ban on Muslims? If there was any hope that it would be constitutional, Trump would have

“But Obama...” Nuh uh. Shush.

As long as this continues, I will always bring this up: