In response to Donald Trump and Steve Bannon’s recent executive order that bans anyone with residency in one of…
In response to Donald Trump and Steve Bannon’s recent executive order that bans anyone with residency in one of…
“The Trump administration is nothing more than an embodied id with undeserved power and deadly, poorly-conceived ideas.”
One of the things that keeps coming up, is a lack of understanding of the Constitution amongst the right-wing. I’m not American, but time and again I see stuff where I clearly have a better understanding of the 1st amendment than right-wingers moaning about being censored on websites. They fail to grasp that companies…
I goes deeper, they have deliberately gutted the staff and budget of various departments rendering them impotent and transferred authority over to Trump’s inner circle (Bannon et al.) thus bypassing any possible Congressional oversight.
He has no idea what’s in it. He’s not a lawyer, he’s never been in government or military service. He has the same understanding of the Constitution as his redneck supporters.
That presumes they’re competent - and they’re not. Maybe they’re trying things out to see what sticks, but they don’t know what they’re doing; they’re not going to come out with a second round of orders that are, all of a sudden, craftily written. These are guys with no government experience writing orders with no…
I think they’re just testing the waters.
The scary thing to me is that I believe they know exactly what they’re doing. Trump’s problem isn’t that he’s dumb it’s that he’s fickle and easily swayed to the whims of his advisors, who are malicious, which makes him easily corruptible. It’s not that he doesn’t know the consequences to his actions, it’s that he…
I just can’t decide if their incredible incompetence should be considered a good thing or a bad thing. I mean imagine what they could accomplish if they knew what the fuck they were doing???
The xenophobic, Islamophobic travel ban introduced this weekend was implemented hastily, with seemingly little…
For me, being smart was looked at as being an uncool thing, even starting back in early grade school. This was the 1980s. I knew I was a smart girl, but I never wanted to come across as too smart. Kids would taunt you for being too brainy or doing better than them. You only wanted to be just smart enough to get…
Hahahahahaha, that is such an amazing story!
This has absolutely nothing to do with anything, but it is a story that amuses me as an adult. In kindergarten there was one girl in our class who was most definitely the alpha child. She was the smartest, the fastest, the tallest, she was always first in line, did the best on all the projects. I distinctly…
That’s right. I already knew I was smarter by then, watching them slam into each other like apes on the playground.
If you’ve ever wondered at what point girls (wrongly) begin to think that boys are smarter than them, a new study…
Preposterous, he’s the law and order candidate. I shudder to think how much worse a Clinton presidency would be with all her emailing.
We know in whose footsteps they are walking and the the human costs of bureaucratic apathy in face of institutionalized indifference and cowardice. Everybody should check out the St Louis Manifest’s twitter.
Also I need to bring up the fact that Brooks also needed medical attention after because he managed to hit himself in the face on his backswing. It’s the best part.
Well said. I think President Bannon is looking for a fight. He is just as delusional as his puppet Trump. The problem I see is everyone in the govt. is taking a “wait & see” approach. This situation requires action - now.
To a point I try to be understanding about people in shitty situations just trying to do their job. HOWEVER, even the military tells you to disobey unlawful orders, surely CBP can too. Blindly carrying out these holds and purposefully ignoring federal judicial directives is outrageous. Any sympathy I could have ever…