bellaluna, STILL waiting on the ELE

Ok but back to the important part - how many abortions did you sell her?

I was going to say “douchebags,” but yours is way better.

Right? I’ve been tested at a Planned Parenthood! Planned Parenthood helped me, a puny little man with weak manparts who is surely a liberal cuck! I’m sure these big strong men who just want to defend innocent little babies from the predation of circling abortion harpies could use some free STD testing from time to

It’s probably too late to abort them?

“Thanks, but I don’t need any abortions.”

My guess is you’re also a fiscal conservative who doesn’t recognize the cost of unwanted children, the corresponding spike in crime rates, the deaths of women who dont have abortion access, the fact that abortions don’t decrease when abortion is inaccessible or illegal, and you’re probabaly against universal

Nobody’s killing babies. Get a grip.

things they apparently don’t need: access to healthcare, treatment for std’s, reproductive education, cancer screening, contraceptives, advocates and allies.

I used to volunteer a lot for Planned Parenthood in Los Angeles, and much of that was “community outreach” — going to communities that had a clinic and passing out information about the services it offered. The very first time I did one of those, I had what remains the most rewarding and simultaneously most

None of them know that Planned Parenthood can help them even though they have penises, because they can use them to pee in a little cup and have some tests run to see if they have any ghastly sexually transmitted diseases or infections . . . you know, should something like that happen to be a cause for concern?

Came here to say this, star for you!

no one in their right mind would ever fuck them?

We’ll become a loosely affiliated group of city-states who end up controlling resources due to their larger economies and wow, here’s another dystopian future possibility.

Yep. There’s a big story about their march on the front page of the Indianapolis Star and I commented that they’re free to believe what they want and live their lives accordingly, but keep their noses out of other people’s lives, and might want to check out this tape from Howard Stern when Trump admits to trying to

Trump’s going to end up starting the second civil war, if enough of these mayors tell him to fuck off.

This week feels like a sort of blitzkrieg, with DT fastly and furiously bombarding the US with his shithead ideas, which will destroy decades of relative peace and prosperity. He’s like the geezer neighbor who only watches Fox and has only bad info and old geezer ideas. Building a wall, you fucking moron? Like,

You mean the one he tried to force Marla to have for the pregnancy that produced Tiffany?

I’m so glad he called out the BS of turning cops into ICE and pointed out that it is harmful to society by preventing these people being able to come forward as either a witness or a victim without facing state penalties.