Yeah - I really like her, but she’s done. She’s been through the wringer and is perfectly happy doing book tours, etc. with her daughter. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that.
Yeah - I really like her, but she’s done. She’s been through the wringer and is perfectly happy doing book tours, etc. with her daughter. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that.
She’s not running. She probably gets some version of that question in nearly every interview she gives, and now that you’ve got Bloomberg, Holder, Patrick, et. al., sending out trial balloons, people are going to be paying even closer attention to how she answers it, and she knows this, so she’s giving a…
As Chris Rock said “there are black people who aren’t even born yet who won’t vote for him.”
Same with baby showers, bachelor and bachelorette parties, quince años, sweet sixteens, etc., etc., all pointless.
The show is on at the gym in the time frame I’m able to get there every day, and this is a fact. You can actually always tell who they’re in the bag for on other stories too, literally everyone that works there is comically dumb even in an otherwise comically dumb time. Holy fuck I hate that show more than fucking…
Pee tape is still undisputed number one, but footage of Eminem rapping along to the FBI agent’s deadpan recitation of his lyrics is making a strong play for “video that needs to see the light of day dear god please can’t we just have something good for a change because damn we’ve been suffering too long now and that…
If TMZ and the (spits on the ground) Enquirer didn’t, we would have proof of tRUmp raping the underage girl with Epstein and his numerous affairs. And could have had muuuuch more come out before the shit show “election”.
TMZ works for Agent Orange and his daughter wife.
Great point. It’s totally f*cked, but very very true.
Even the women and people of color who make it through the door immediately figure out that if they don’t play ball and make the white men happy, they are out. See the recent story about how MSNBC killed a rape allegation story Joy Ann Reid was working on, and unlike Ronan Farrow, she didn’t walk. She doesn’t have the…
“Nearly every man who ran the political coverage in 2016 was ensnared in a MeToo accusation.”
So the whole publishing thing is basically a front for AMI’s real business, blackmail?
Ronan Farrow tells Stephen Colbert he’s seen the “master list” of Trump dirt buried by the Enquirer
Given the situation with Matt Lauer, I would like to know what powerful male media figures who had a hand in obsessively covering her emails were being leaned on by the Enquirer or other forces. This isn’t crackpot conspiracy stuff. This is connect the dots. Nearly every man who ran the political coverage in 2016 was…
I loved that the episode where David kind of skirts around using a label for himself later has his father use the label “pansexual” openly and with love. Like, it’s not that the SHOW wants to avoid a conversation about his identity, the CHARACTER did. It really meant a lot to me.
Yeah, and even Schitt’s Creek was a little clunky about it. But they’ve made David’s sexuality such a non-issue, such a just part of the package of who he is, that he’s one of the best examples of a pan character out there. I love how just accepted/understood his sexuality is. I remember when one of David’s ex-lovers…
Clearly they were ripping off Schitt’s Creek and did it wrong.
One other thing - that “liberal media” canard is a piece of propaganda one ROGER AILES pushed on the networks (as is Republicans’ wont) and they apparently swallowed whole.
Unfortunately, it seems no one bothered to vet Gillis, or even give him a cursory Google