
Bernie has plenty of pro-genocide people working for him. The Young Turks are literally named after a genocidal group.

I hate Bernie Sanders. I hate HIM. I hate his poisonous followers and their endless spewing of Russian lies about Hillary. I don’t want her to run just to spite them and I prefer Trump to Bernie because at least his followers admit to their seething misogyny and racism. I have seen Bernie Bros openly share Nazi memes

They aren’t Democrats. They are foxes in the henhouse. The Young Turks/Justice Democrats are backed by Putin and they are pro-genocide faux leftists. AOC’s chief of staff openly wore a t-shirt with a genocidal leader on it. Yes, he was fired but she either didn’t know his views which is stupid or knew his views which

I’ve heard that people are sometimes taken aback by David’s line about having once dated a Chardonnay that used to be a Merlot because it “got a bit complicated” which is fair, but on the other hand it acknowledges that even someone as open and unbothered by sexual labels as David can find pan sexuality complicated.

Yup. A complete rip-off of what Dan did far better in 2015.

And they make their money by courting old, insecure white men. Viagra, over-priced mutual funds and phallic cars don’t sell themselves! The end of the fairness doctrine and the rise of “politics=sports” analysis as opposed to reporting is a travesty. Even MSNBC only cares about old, white men they just want the old

Cramer’s audience is made up of dumb, poor white guys who believe that they would totally be rich wall street ceos if it weren’t for those meddling women and poc.

Absolutely! The Times long ago stopped being a paper of record and became a balanced propping of oligarchy with a chaser of sl*t shaming on the side. (See: Dowd, Maureen) Subscribe to the Washington Post, which is imperfect but far less craven.