
No, there has to be an Aga located in close proximity to the 62yo fridge to hit peak Britishness. I'm still not completely clear on what an Aga is, only that British cannot function without them.

This is awesome. Librarians don’t get enough love, and they make the world go round.

Does that mean tha she gets to hide The Book? #nationaltreasure #nickcage4eva

Anyone remember the aggressively bad but weirdly somehow magnetic Smash? I would actually kind of be willing to see a Noises Off-esque version of that or they could just play it straight and do Bombshell: The Musical.

I was born in 1980 and Generation X wouldn’t have me so they made up Generation Y for awhile and then sometimes I just get left off the chart completely ... anyway children born in the 80s let us join together and form our own generation! Start the millennial crap at 1990 like Gamblor says.

I own:

let’s just put the wellness nonsense aside and acknowledge that rice and mac n cheese are better from bowls. the two major food groups have voted.

Did you see the Finding Your Roots segment on LLCoolJ yesterday? Dr. Gates’s team discovered one branch of LLCoolJ’s family was free as far back as they could trace it, back to the Revolution, I think. Dr. Gates said the researchers had never seen an American Black person who’s free ancestors extended that far back.

The door was a metaphor for their relationship, guys! Rose was always going to be able to go places that Jack couldn’t follow. They were trapped in two different worlds! Also doors have handles and Rose couldn’t have handled the judgment of society had she chosen him. Also doors are made of wood and while the sex was

THR refers to the movie as an “adaptation of the iconic TV series,”

I actually really liked this first reboot episode. It’s kind of like slipping back into a well-worn shoe that you should probably throw away but that you love so much that you put it on and it just feels right.


I’ve been rewatching it and am currently 3 seasons in again.

There is a series of measurements taken of various parts of the skeleton. There is a range for males and females. These ranges overlap, but when there is no other defining trait to specify the sex the measurements are taken en toto and used to determine sex. I’m assuming what they mean here is that all of the

No, it’s really not. I didn’t get baptized at the standard age because I wasn’t sure, and everyone respected that.

I’d love to see a show featuring Hildy scaring the hell out of every single client she had. Gluing straw to walls and telling people to train their kids not to eat it made me love her for life.

I lost my uterus (I like to say “misplaced” b/c it gets good looks from people) a while back, and it’s a sucky thing to go through. Since I’m sure Kim K is scouring the Jez comments for advice, wink, here are some good things to focus on:
1. You’ll never have to buy tampons again, and you can re-purpose your existing

They’ve repeatedly done studies that show that teenagers bodies are on a different internal clock that puts them to sleep later, and wakes them up later. And yet every single article about starting school later, there’s countless comments about how soft and weak people are now. Waking up early is not a moral issue. I

I am so with you. I HATE articles like this, because it makes me feel so disgusting and unfeminine. I’m hot all the time, and articles that assume that of course all women are cold all day during work, women are delicate and get cold easily and like it at 75-80 degrees always make me feel like a fat disgusting