Vote: EcoBee3
Vote: EcoBee3
Yes. Ensuring my son has a close network of friends has been important to me. We have playdates and sleepovers with friends all the time. He’s gone to the same school since kindergarten (he’ll be entering 6th grade next month). He plays sports. He’s very socially active and a total extrovert. His BFF is also an only…
I will actually cry if I talk about it out loud, it’s that intense. I am also single in my mid-30’s and good lord it’s overwhelming. WHAT IF I DON’T MEET SOMEONE BEFORE MY PARENTS GET TO MEET THEM? fuck, man.
Oh man, the disappointing everyone feeling is pretty much my life theme. Only recently have I learned that my friends won’t leave me if I express an opinion. The fear of abandonment for not being perfect is so pervasive.
Only child, here. This is 100% accurate for me:
Oh man, I feel this. As an only child, any time I act the tiniest bit selfish (as everyone does from time to time), people automatically attribute it to the fact I’m a “spoiled only child.” Seriously, I dealt with it from friends when I was growing up and with my husband now.
Of the people who I know well enough to know the whole story, half have only children on purpose and the other half had miscarriages or couldn’t get pregnant with another. Considering how many pregnancies end in miscarriage, you should never grill someone about their choice to have a certain number of children. It’s…
This exchange tends to quiet my husband for a while.
- Introverts get exhausted by social interaction and need solitude to recharge.
Noooooooo. My mother got me hooked on this show, and I like the little surprises he finds for the guests. All the people finding out they are definitely not part Cherokee are also the best (e.g. Adrian Grenier). The guests with Asian ancestry that can trace their family roots back centuries are just phenomenal to see…
Yeah, but that’s not something he did, or had any control over. It’s always the cover-up that fucks you over.
i am trying to think of the comments this piece is going to get
Don’t worry, an army of little old ladies in places like Ephraim, UT and Farmington, NM has this covered.
I watched Iron Jawed Angels for the first time a few months ago and I was so pissed that I’d never heard about her in my high school history classes. Just learned who she was (I knew of her name) in a college course last semester. Total badass.
Makers is an amazing 3 part doc that PBS did 2 years ago. It goes into the history of 2nd wave feminism post WWII. Talks a lot about ERA and why it was derailed / shelved so many times.
I’m also a professional genealogist, and I think this article misses one BIG point in the section “What do you do differently from your coworkers or peers in the same profession? What do they do instead?” - and that is that most professional genealogists do not work at a 9-to-5 with a company like Ancestry.com. Most…
Researching your family history has become easier than ever thanks to online databases, but it still takes a…
This new interface is horrible. I’ve already called Netflix to complain about it. It makes deciding between watching multiple things much more difficult. There’s no tab support anymore! I would always open multiple movies with their descriptions to decide between them (opening each in a new tab). This isn’t possible…