
In Maine we had to put box fans in nearly every window during the summer because people die of laughter like the weasles in Who Framed Roger Rabbit if you ask to get a house built with central air in New England. Here in Oklahoma it’s pretty much up there with water, food and beer as a requirement. And as someone who

Katz’s comment was FULL of incorrect information about Mormons. The style of the undergarments (temple garments), when they start wearing them (after a ceremony in the temple, not at engagement), the “level” of religion (there are no levels), etc. All of that was wrong.

People who get irrationally upset over baby photos freak me out. It is the MOST INNOCUOUS SHIT EVER. No weirder than anything else friends post.

Everyone signed on to this for the free trip to Hawaii correct? It looks so terrible I can’t think of any other reason.

will watch only if Joel Kinnaman is her plucky sidekick

Raise your hand if your middle name is Marie. *raises hand*

Um, 15+6 = 21 , not 23.

My birthday is a few days before Christmas, and Barbie came out the year I was four. My father was sick that year and in and out of the hospital, and my mom was working nights in a restaurant to support us.

It was a memorable June in Woebegon when the Iron Sheik came to town. One of those rare late winters that were warm enough to melt the ice on Lake Average and make the Methodists feel naughty. I stopped into the one town restaurant on a Saturday to have a cup of joe and to check out this new-fangled thing I was

I worked at Borders many years ago and witnessed this "Who's on first?" exchange between a co-worker and customer.

I can't wrap my head around this. I am a mid level bureaucrat and the degree to which this violates a shit ton of laws/rules is made clear to me at least annually.

Can't wait to see this. Kirby Dick did such a good job on The Invisible War.

I don't have trich, but I do have chronic telogen effluvium—a kind of hair loss where presumably some undiscovered health imbalance (hormones/thyroid/stress) causes increased daily shedding. So I'm familiar with the feeling that a woman's hair is a commodity and how a man with hair loss must have it so much easier.

That obituary was a disgrace, and got the thrashing it deserved on Twitter and in other media (The Australian is a Murdoch paper) yesterday. My fav response with this article imagining the obits of male writers if they were subjected to the same treatment as women.

Battlestar Galactica, you mean.

Thanks for writing this. I am so sick of hearing, "eat less, move more," from mostly men who have no problem losing weight whenever they want. All my husband has to do to lose weight is cut out soda and alcohol for a couple months, and any extra weight drops off. That's only part of the equation for most women. I wish