Clarisonic, man. Those things are amazing. They really work.
Clarisonic, man. Those things are amazing. They really work.
You forgot librarians. You can call your local library if they are open. Many libraries are open weekday evening and on Saturday. If that is not available, go to the website of the library in the closest big city and look for something that says "Ask a Librarian 24/7" Sometimes you can chat directly or email them.…
Don't forget librarians. We're trained expert searchers. If you have a specialist question, seek a library that specializes in that thing and send us an email with your question. If you've spent more than 5 minutes with Google, we'll figure out the rest for you.
Lesbian exMormon here. My Mormon credentials consist of a storied pioneer heritage on my paternal AND maternal sides (now including famous polygamists!), all the youth awards you get for being a good little Mormon girl, TWO degrees from Brigham Young University, and much, much more! I came out to my (very very…
See this is where, I believe, we make a critical mistake. Because it is distasteful to us (rightfully so) we decide that it should be brushed under the rug. In my opinion, we SHOULD be making a huge deal of the 75th anniversary. We should be releasing DVDs of this movie with commentary by professors of history and by…