bella bachelor

Well, she went a good bit beyond just that. She instructed him how she wanted him to do it, and bullied him until he brought the materials. Then she was actually on the phone with him while he was in the car, and told a friend later he had actually gotten out of the car and she told him to get back in.

Yeah I’ve got borderline and if anything I have too much empathy. We can also respond well to medication and therapy. This chick is a sociopath.

“Sure, I’ll hold this for you girl.”

Weird thing is, she did go through a period when she used a lot of botox (about 7, 8 years ago, when you watch New In Town you can actually tell in what scenes she had just visited the derm), and she looks so much more natural now. The pressure for actresses to look not like themselves is insane.

I think he’s saying that she looked like a Normal and isn’t it sad she felt pressured to become a Beautiful, but really she was cheating by using a scalpel and got what she deserved. Of course she was not a Normal to begin with, and whatever “revolutionary” fantasies he had about her being attainable for dudes like

As much I hate to admit it. She has some points. Feminism has caused women to be unhappy because we’re actively ignoring some of the fundamental differences between men and women. Now before you beer guzzling, gas pumping, plant eating lesbians jump down my throat-hear me out!

“Wow Mr. Vice President, it’s such an honor to meet you, and so surprising to run into you here at our local McDonalds!”

Ugh, I used to love Sanders, but I think he’s being such a shit little white man and saying that Hillary basically has to adopt all of HIS policy platforms before he’ll endorse her. Ummm, bro, Hillary is way more qualified than you are to be President and just because she’s a woman doesn’t mean she can’t have her own

But how much clout with Bernie’s endorsement really hold when he finally gets around to it?

Ughhh the whole gray/ ungray system here is so arbitrary and dumb. I’m sorry that happened! So frustrating.

Jaime King gets wet for racist white dudes obsessed with not paying their tax? I for one am surprise.

exactly. this was basically “Congrats, lady people, on regaining control of your bodies. More importantly, congrats, menfolk, you can safely treat women as sperm receptacles again!”

i dropped out somewhere around jim buying the house for pam, the show had lost so much of it’s awesomeness by then. It became way too broad and was missing that subtle relatable humor.

It’s actually mass production and the fact that we can use things grown in-country, but don’t let me get in the way of your xenophobia.

I don’t think the problem is that it’s unfunny, but what it implies.
SCOTUS rule was something really important for women’s autonomy and health, and in the Twitt those same women stopped being subjects of the ruling and became passive objects to be used by the assumed readers (women still watch TDS!). It also

I hate this picture with the fire of a thousand suns.

i support this future

umm he played by jim halpert?

So is Calvin Harris going to be the new Jennifer Aniston in that there will be ten years of “LOOK HOW SAD HE IS ABOUT TAYLOR WHILE HE BUYS BREAD” pictures in the tabloids??