
I cook it on the stove, with a dollop of butter added to the pot.

If memory serves, they had a gay houseboy in the pilot episode.

Perhaps Alice has a trust fund.

Brilliant marketing - give everyone a free machine and make money off of the pods. Eastman did the same in 1930 - he gave every school kid a Brownie camera for free and made money off the film.

Sounds like he's a high functioning autistic. One or two intense obsessions, the unfortunate ability to annoy others, lack of empathy. (viz. The Social Network)

Come to Canada for your "babymoon." We're too cold for the Zika mosquitos to come here and our dollar is low, low, low!

What? Where's Rumsfeld's Rummy?

This is the woman who was on the team that got former Ontario AG Michael Bryant off the hook when he "allegedly" road-raged a cyclist, ran him over and killed him. The defense essentially defamed the character of the victim, making him out to seem like a drunken Indian who essentially didn’t deserve to live. Of course

Best comment. I can turn off the internet now.

This is how Hollywood animated films are made, unfortunately. The people who might have noticed might have been too low down the food chain to have their two cents' listened to or were too intimidated to mention it to the honchos.

When the film was first pitched, for example, there wasn’t much more than the idea of talking animals living together in a city. There was no story, no characters, just an idea, followed by an approval, and then the research begins.

Perhaps something was lost in translation?

Further, gay or not, he has to produce a male legitimate heir or Monaco goes back to France. (Correct me if I'm wrong.)

In the 80s there were a lot of gay rumors about him amongst the South of France crowd. He eventually had a couple of kids out of wedlock. These twins appear to possibly be IVF babies, so Albert's probably not enjoying any conjugal stuff.

Call me old, but I miss the hour long interviews that Brian Linehan used to do. He had to give it up because the PR machines wouldn't give him extended access to celebrities anymore. Then again, watching today's young celebs for an hour would probably be unintellectual and as boring as fuck.

She'll go along with anything he wants because he's rich and she doesn't have the ring yet.

That's what we call a "dusting."

That might work in the south, but when you live in the north, with winter weather systems with ridiculous names like "Snowpocalypso" bikes are usually out of the equation for half the year.

What, no Team America?