Qatar. The country that sounds like the British word for snot filled head.
Qatar. The country that sounds like the British word for snot filled head.
Until the 1950s, Hollywood didn’t give a hang for anyone who wasn’t white. Look at the sorts of roles blacks got - maids, butlers, half-wits. In sound films you can probably thank Stepin Fetchit for the stereotype that was established. Take a look at Gone With The Wind - Butterfly McQueen’s Prissy is an embarrassment…
“...literally every second of Jays coverage is already a conflict of interest.”
Maybe he's gay. It's a long shot, I know, but when he's been with a woman for years and at 45 she gets the epiphany that she wants a kid? Seems a little suspicious.
They're assholes in Toronto, too. I'm a bicyclist, but I'm dorky - I wear a crossing guard's vest, I wait at red lights, I use hand signals. Unfortunately 99% of my brethren don't and we average about 2 or 3 fatalities a year.
Potency aside, this is like the Soviet Union. They kept vodka cheap to keep the proles drunk enough that they'd never start a revolution.
Sounds like she'll make a great politician.
From the nose up, the Chief looks as if he'd make a good female impersonator.
Buy American.
Many of us won't be around for it, but it'll be interesting in 45 or so years to see what she will die of.
And since there are only so many international releases allowed in China, the Hollywood studios have been injecting any Chinese references so that they can secure one of these slots.
Rochester NY's ferry to Toronto was an epic fail.
Teletubbies also replaced the English narrator for an American one for the U.S. broadcasts.