Elise B.

This needs more stars!

I really dislike the Bernie/Trump comparissons, but one way they are similar is that they are propelled by a populist movement. The villain in each movement is different (rich people and corporations vs minorities and immigrants), but the general sentiment is Fuck This Shit.

If Trump becomes

yeah i mean who among us doesnt remember the french revolution

Tbh I do not know who Wentworth Miller is but my heart goes out to him and I love that post on his facebook.

Since Sarandon isn’t going to suffer the most consequences under the Trump presidency, or for that matter under any general breakdown of society, I would kindly request that she not opine about revolutions here. (Also, as bad as Trump would be, I don’t see “revolution” really being a possibility here. Protests? Sure.

Now it feels like nothing anymore.

This is such a wildly privileged opinion. Real people will get hurt under Trump. SCOTUS will be changed. Laws will be passed. The military will be deployed, affecting people around the globe. I get that you want a different political system but this is the one we live in. Don’t throw others under the bus in your quest

Let’s shun all tattooed people!

Let’s protect and peddle art filled with pedophilia!


Think that’s a bit different though.

there is a valid feeling about bisexual folks and trans people (and an enduring presence of maleness in all spheres of life) “taking away” spaces.

I dispute that it’s a “valid” feeling. It’s valid only if you start from the definitional premise that trans women aren’t women. A prejudiced premise to begin with. Otherwise, there’s no loss, no “sharing,” in having “women’s spaces” open to all women. Even apart from the fact that trans women have been in “women’s

Lighter-skinned people of various ethnicities use skin-lightening products for these kinds of reasons in the U.S. too. Age spots, hyperpigmentation from scarring, freckles, and so on. To even out, rather than to lighten overall.

Can this be about colourism instead of the poor rich female celebrity who is disliked by a few dozen people on internet blogs?

That is the truth, but are you just going to pretend centuries of colonialism that had its basis in the supremacy of whiteness doesn’t really factor into it? Sure, fair skin indicates that you’re rich and you spend your time indoors, just like bound feet did in China. BUT, White skin in media, in the culture and IRL

In many countries, historically, paler skin was associated with ruling classes and wealth because a fair complexion indicated a life not spent toiling outside in the fields. Asian ladies in my town who shield themselves from the sun with umbrellas are not trying to look like white people, they’re trying to avoid a

I know some people are going to brush this away, but I cannot tell you how harmful these ads are, how pervasive and how damaging. Being Afro-Brazilian on one side & Indian on the other, I see this shit in both my cultures, and with a lot of my female friend and family circle and I still, at 45 years old, I still can’t

This is a good reminder of why I support trans rights and bathroom access, but hate the idea of unisex bathrooms, at least as the only bathroom option. Creepy perverts are the real reason to dislike unisex restrooms.

Marathons are all about race, bro.

This is just the dumbest take. I’m sorry.

I truly despise people who think that saying “I was joking” or “I didn’t mean it” means that awful thing they said isn’t still a window into their character. It is. If that’s what you think is funny, that says something about you. If your go-to insults of women have to do not with their capabilities or their

Worst forum shit storm ever seen? Easy. Go to any thread on Gawker or Jezebel, make a comment where you might appear to not be a left wing liberal nut job. You could tell them the sky is blue. However, if they even THINK you are a Republican (even if thats not the case), not only is the sky NOT blue, but you are an