Elise B.

Yeah, I don’t know how to feel about this. Like, I’m super happy that queer and trans folks won’t get legally discriminated against in Georgia, but I’m disappointed that the only thing standing in the bill’s way was a veto and big business interests.

Oh, please. Dude is making a decision based purely on money and trying to make it about “doing the right thing.” Oh, NOW you’re a “welcoming state. It is full of loving, kind and generous people”?

Facebook makes me star old-as-shit posts all the time with their popularity metrics. Like, uh, I just presumed something up there was recent because it’s the first thing presented to me, but it may be a week old!

I don’t even have an Instagram and I think the “popular posts first!” change is bullshit. It’s for them to get more ads on your feed. Absolutely fucking no one wants anything but reverse chronological. It’s the only way social media makes sense.

You do realize that this money is for down the ballot. She’s raising for the other candidates down ballot. How much has Bernie raised down ballot?

Yeah, even so, she’d still kick my ass*

I kind of hate to be a spoil-sport here, but the linked article says that the course was designed by Navy Seals, not for them. It appears this is a civilian racing event a la Tough Mudder. Still very impressive, but not actually a part of Navy Seal training.

I’m no fan of GWB’s policies, but if he’s a good tipper, kudos to him. Just like he’s a nimble shoe-dodger. Great reflexes, gotta give him that.

So.... a 9 year old girl completed a course designed for what is the most elite outfit of our arsenal? I think? And we’re STILL having the conversation about whether women should be integrated into certain ranks within our armed forces?

This tradition makes eating Peeps and hunting for colored eggs look pretty weak by comparison.

“’Mostly it’s devils, monsters... but this year, we *REALLY* scraped the bottom of the barrel with a Trumpster Fire.”

The death toll is up to 50 now according to the BBC. They targeted families celebrating Easter in a park. I cannot concieve of anyone no matter how fanatical they are about their cause thinking that this is any way acceptable. So utterly wrong. Thoughts with all those affected by this.

“Haider Ashraf, a local police chief, noted that the bomb, which appears to be the work of a suicide bomber, detonated near a cluster of children’s rides.”

Oh God, honey, no. You’ve answered your own questions. NEVER, ever stay with a man out of guilt!!! He’s a grown man, you’re a girl at the very start of your adult life. Do what meets YOUR needs. He’s more than able to look after himself. Have fun with guys your own age without that much goddamn baggage.

From somebody who both never wanted her own kids and has worked hands-on with special needs children:

The best advice that I can give is one that many people don’t dare say and that is that it’s okay to look out for yourself first. You are young, you have your whole life ahead of you and you did not sign up for raising someone else’s special needs child. You should not feel guilt or regret for deciding to move on. The

Honestly, there is nothing to feel guilty about. Tell him you don’t want to be a mom and end it before you become a part of his kids’ lives. Ending it later after he has fallen more in love with you and after the kids got attached would be the bad thing. Ending it now is good.

Don’t feel guilty or bad about bailing. Seriously. I’m a decade older than you and I decided not to pursue anything with a man because he had a child. I don’t even know if I want kids, so dating someone who already had one just seemed like a bad idea. If you don’t think you want them at all, then you definitely

Yes, tina is right. He owed you the truth about having kids and he withheld it. Remember that when you’re feeling anxious about doing what’s right for you.

In my experience a lot of the guilt women feel in their relationships comes from being too idealistic and romantic about them . Don’t let anything you’ve done, said , promised or daydreamed about anyone guilt you into staying with them if it isn’t what’s best for you.