I am promoting your comment, hoping it makes it’s way up above all this nonsense.
I am promoting your comment, hoping it makes it’s way up above all this nonsense.
“Don’t side with Nazis” counts as White Knighting now? Okay, I am a White Knight. Gladly. Proudly. Say it again.
I wonder if the GamerGaters and “Anti-Feminists” ever stop and think about the fact that literal Nazis are going “This is such a good idea, we’re going to dedicate our resources to helping you!”.
You’re the only one that has actually been reporting on this stuff which is shocking. though I also feel like if we don’t have a discussion about this now, then this will be forgotten in a day and it will happen again. We also should not forget about the others before this either. I am still disappointed in this…
They both are against feminism and oftentimes free speech if they don’t agree with what’s being said. (which is incredibly hypocritical) They make personal attacks against people they don’t agree with, even if they had nothing to do with the thing they’re mad about.
Oh yeah you are totally right. Nintendo is only responsible when things go great.
Even if you don’t like those things, she had nothing to do with them. She did no work on FE:F. Which you’d know if you’d bothered to even read the article.
So Nintendo did absolutely nothing? Just fire her when things went for the worse for this poor woman..
It’s very telling that Neo Nazis and racists are supporters of the Gamergate agenda.
I think companies really need to get out of the habit on firing people because the internet demands a sacrifice. It only encourages people to continue using toxic behaviors to push their agendas.
After users reported that stating “I want to jump off a bridge” to Siri sometimes led to a list of nearby bridges.
The dog was relieved that it was only a spring training game. Besides, it had been 13 years since going to a Phillies game meant a trip to the Vet.
You don’t get to own someone’s body, no matter how poor they were in life. That doesn’t seem all that complicated.
Hmm. I am pretty divided. Yes, I can point to a couple things I’ve written where I simply became tired of fighting an editor even though I knew I was right or a piece became something I never wanted it to be and the framing was all wrong. When you find “the one” — the editor who inspires you and gets what you’re…
Y i k e s . For her sake, I hope her identity never gets revealed, I can’t imagine the unholy shitstorm that would rain down.
Those are kind of a bad examples. Othello’s race is an actual part of the story, so it’s relevant to the casting. (I believe there have actually been race-swapped productions of Othello, though, where everyone in the cast is non-white, while Othello is white.) Excluding people of color from auditioning for Hamlet,…
At this point, even if Trump loses, no one wins. He has giving a voice and leadership to an astonishingly large and hateful segment of your population. Its scary to watch, even from afar.
Great. All of this is just great.
Well, there’s abortion and then there’s “taking care of a problem.” If you have enough money, you’ve definitely never thought about abortion as a viable topic because there have always been ways to “take care of a problem.”