
I don’t think the girl on the left is wearing a swimsuit, I think she’s wearing a collar and...thigh pads?

I would definitely fuck that photo. Especially if it wore sepia tone.

Based on how her lip kits sell out a store will probably do pretty well.

its like when you were little and fighting with your brothers in the car on the way to see Tarzan and your mom said she would turn the car around if you didnt stop and you didn’t believe her so you kept fighting and then she did and your life flashed before your eyes.

For a long time I thought she was about my age (25). Though I’m not very good at guessing peoples ages and people tend to think I’m a bit younger.

That is one of the things that happens when you have someone create it rather than growing it yourself. You get that indeterminate-age, plastic look.

Personally, I feel like supermodels was a term given to the models of the early 90s - Christy, Naomi, Helena, Tyra, Stephanie, Cindy, etc. So, no, Kendall and Gigi are not supermodels. Seriously, though, have you seen Gigi’s walk? Go find a video of it. Then find a video of Naomi’s walk. That’s the difference between

I am really hoping that five years was spent piling up rock-hard evidence against this guy, because that is a long time for someone who has been a suspect from the very beginning.

Color me shocked that Taylor Swift™ would be party to such corporate whoredom.

Miller is charged with smuggling Australian currency into the country

The most disgusting thing is that the father sells “natural” supplements that he claims help mental illness. Not only are these people so narcissistic as to put their own pet beliefs above their child’s life, they are knowingly tricking others into doing so as well. As far as I’m concerned, their sentences should be

It’s actually true— the ambulance didn’t come equipped with a time machine to go back two weeks so his parents could take him to a doctor.

Right? Like maybe you shouldn’t think you can make decisions about vaccines if you don’t know the difference between “reliable ( like vaccines are!) or liable ( which people who treat their sick kid with maple fucking syrup are)

Pretty sure that was included so we know how stupid they are. Also, how their main concern is for how they’d be treated, not, you know, the possibility of their child dying.

Right, because that was the moment that sealed his fate. Not the gross neglect that made that ambulance ride so critical.

So, uh... Can we stop worshiping this shitbrick as some sort of legend now?

Isn’t possession of child porn in itself a crime? Why wasn’t he arrested if the police found all that stuff?

Reads like any generic forever-in-the-greys gawker commenter to me.

@cmdrfire: Much easier to read a headline and then post a comment than read the whole post. Who reads anymore anyway, that's pre-9/11 stuff.